Chapter 48

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I just dropped Tash back off at Nans because people started turning up like Ricky, Trevor, Dom and Sam.

Ricky came with Charlotte since they are still together and Sam came with his new girlfriend who I haven't met yet...

I pull back in Turning off Jc's car and walking inside with music blaring and people drinking and I'm greeted with a drunk Sam hugging me

"HEY MADDIE!" He yells hugging me and making me laugh because I can smell the bourbon on his breath.

"Hey Sam" I laugh and walk past him to the fridge to grab some form of drink.


Hours later

Yes I'm a little tipsy! Ok maybe drunk but I don't mind.

Ava passed out an hour ago because she doesn't know how to handle her alcohol, and there is a good few hundred other YouTubers and Kians friends from when he was in school are here a couple I remember but the others I dont know...

Ive been dancing for a fair bit but my head starts to spin so I decide to take a break

I flop onto the couch next to someone I couldn't notice because my head was spinning, Dancing and Alcohol does that to you...

"You alright Maddie?" I hear the voice ask

"Yeah just a little dizzy... Is the world meant to spin like this?" I sigh 

"Come on I'll take you upstairs." The voice says grabbing my wrist and pulling me off the couch taking me upstairs, My head is still spinning so I close my eyes and stop walking then I lean against the nearest wall and slide down ending up sitting in the upstairs hall with my back against the wall, cross legged and my hands in my lap with the person with me moving their hand up and down my arm.

"Have you eaten anything?" The voice asked again and I shake my head The last thing I ate was a granola bar but that was on the plane. I start to recognize the voice and its a male. But I cant open my eyes or I'll be sick.

"You need to eat... I'll go get something." They voice says I open my eyes and see they boy walking away and I notice that he is tall and has brown hair but then I quickly close my eyes but the sickness hits me. I stand up with my head rushing and I run to the nearest bathroom.

I bend over and sit my head in the toilet and start throwing up any remaining alcohol that is in my system then I feel someone pulling my hair back even though its in a pony tail.

I stop making my guts go into the toilet. Sitting up and then I get handed a wet face washer and I wipe my face I look up to see who is there... Who's helping me through this misery and I find a concerned Trevor looking down upon me. How could I have not recognize his voice... I guess it has been so long The person I would least expect... Why would he want to help me?

*Trevor's POV*

I hand Maddie the face washer and she wipes her face and then she opens her eyes and she looks right up to me with the sparkling blue eyes that I fell in love with 5 years ago but with less redness and not so watery... I cant help but have a look of guilt on my face... 

I hurt her, I didn't believe her, I let her think that I trusted what other people said over her word... 

"You ok?" I ask and I put my hand out for her to grab and she does so I lift her up off the ground and hand her a packet of cookies. I remember it was her favorite thing in the world. 

"Yeah just a headache... Nothing a good sleep wont fix..." She says, Her accent is different it's not as American anymore... She sounds more Irish, I guess it makes sense since she has been living there since she was 18... 

I take her to the guest bedroom so she can lay down for a bit and she does exactly that I start to head out so she can have some privacy until she says my name.

"Trevor, Why are you helping me?" I turn around shocked by her question and stand by the door for a second then move over to the bed sitting beside her.

"Maddie... Just because we broke up 4 years ago doesn't mean I hate you... I still care about you, I would never abandon you." I say grabbing her small hand with both of my hands and rubbing it with my thumb as she sits up.

"I still care about you too Trevor, This might be the beer talking but I never stopped liking you. I've had to stop working on my music for some time now because I couldn't focus... I was too busy thinking about you..." She blurts out with tears in her eyes. I sit there shocked, 

Did she really just say that...?

I didn't know what to say so I hug her and it brings back everything. Even my favorite memory of us and that was when I took her to the drive in movie not long after she moved in with her Nan.

My brother left us a few minutes ago. Maddie and I are sitting in the back of Blake's car and he didnt want to watch the movie that was playing. I mean how the fuck didn't he want to watch Wreck It Ralph!

"Maddie Grab the blanket we can lay on to bonnet of the car and watch the movie, everyone else is doing it." I say and she gets the blanket and we get out of the car with the radio loud enough for us to hear the movie

I climb onto the bonnet and then Maddie passes me the blanket and I put it behind me and then put my hand out for her to grab so I can help her up and she slips almost face planting into the car and I cant help but laugh while pulling her back up

"Shut up it hurt!" She says punching me and sitting cross legged

"Here, lay down" I say and she does so I lay beside her and put the blanket over us and I cuddle her as she watches the movie struggling not to fall asleep but of course she soon does and all I can hear is the movie, Kids screaming and light snores from Maddie.

I never want to loose her.

'I never want to loose her' But... I did...

Look At me posting twice a day like I said.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. :)


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