Chapter 42

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*Kians POV*

"Hey thanks for the breakfast Maddie I'll be back I've got something to do, I'll be back in about 20 minutes..." I say and Maddie Nods but the others are glued to the TV.

Alright go to the social services office and sort this shit out.

I cant have Maddie living with Jason... I need to get Tash out of there as well... I will work something out...

I start the car and drive there while listening to The Weeknd and within a few songs I am at the social office.

I park the car and head in to find a young lady quite cute blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hi How can I help you?" She asks in an annoying squeaky voice...

I take what ever I said back!

"Can I see Kira Sanders please?" I ask and the lady starts typing away.

"Straight down the hall and last door on the left." She says blankly, handing me a pink slip of paper

I start to head down to Kiras office and Look at the pink slip.

Visitors pass

Kira Sanders S.W.4

Is all it says... I get to the door and it has a plaque on it says K.Sanders.

I knock on the door and hear a small voice calling me in.

I get in and she instantly realizes who I am

"Mr Lawely... Didn't think I would see you again... Is everything ok?" She asks calmly as i sit on the chair in front of the desk

"It's my sister... and my cousin that she lives with... you need to let them stay with me! Permanently..." I say

"Why what is the problem?" She asks bluntly

Are you fucking serious just let them stay with me!?!

"She is being hurt... As well as Tash... My cousin and she is only 5!" I almost yell

"Well we will have to find a new place for them to stay at..." She says typing onto her computer

"Let them stay with me..." I say trying to calm myself down

"I'm sorry Mr Lawley... We can not allow that, We have to find another member of your family in the area or at least some where, before we are even allowed to consider siblings no matter there age."

"Fine... But make it quick..." I sigh and walk out of the room

Am I pissed?

Well yeah course I am they wont let my sister and cousin stay with me... They are my family. I cant let anything else happen to those two... I have to protect them...

I do a quick detour and pull into Starbucks.

"Hi Kian what can I do your you?" Ava asks

"Hey Ava I'll grab the group usual minus Connor and Sam." I say, Ava is the best working here other then Jackie, She knows all of our orders off by heart.

"Sure thing." she says as I hand her the money and I sit at the table.

I take a look around and there is no one in here other then a couple and a guy in front of me uploading a video to YouTube...

As i wait a few minutes Ava calls me up,

"Hows Maddie and Tash," She asks handing me the drinks and a small cake

"Bit shaken but everything should be sorted..." I say handing her money for the cake

"Dont worry about it! It's for Tash... She needs something too" She says laughing

"Thanks Ava your the best" I say hugging her

"Hey? let me know when Maddie and Tash are heading back... I'll come over." She says

"Alright i'll text you bye." I say and she waves

I put everything in the passenger seat then drive back home

I open the door to madness, Tash is playing with Wishbone and Shadow, Maddie is messing round with Hazel and Jc Ricky and Trevor are in the kitchen making lunch I'm guessing

"Yo I got Starbucks!" I call and place it on the coffee table grabbing my drink and Tash's cake

"Did I get anything Kiki?"Tash asks I crouch down and hand her the cake

"Yeah here you go do you want a spoon?" I ask her and she nods so I walk into the kitchen and she follows behind

"Thought I heard you yell" Ricky says

"Starbucks in the living room go look for your name." I say and they all run out like girls

"Here you go Tash." I say handing her a spoon

"Thank you!" she says hugging my leg and skipping out of the kitchen.

It warms my heart to see her be so strong about everything that has happened to her. She is stronger then me! I don't understand why Kira wont let Maddie and Tash stay with me... 'We have to see if there is any other family member'

Yeah me!! Kian Lawley!! older brother of Maddie and cousin of Tash, For fuck sake!!

I grab a plastic cup and throw it at the wall running my hands through my hair then holding my head and sliding down the cabinet. Then I hear footsteps running into the room...

"Kian?" Jc...

"Dont worry bout it man just leave me alone..." I sigh

"Kian what happened You threw a hard plastic cup and the wall and it broke..." He says I look up and see the green cup in pieces...

Fuck that was my favourite cup...

"I'm fine just tell them that I dropped the cup"

"Ok 1, that's clearly a load of bullshit because of the bang it made and 2, Your eyes are red and watery as fuck man... Come on what happened..." He says then I feel a tear hit my hand

"They wont let the girls stay here... Something about having to find an older member first... Or some shit like that" I say in between breaths

"Fuck..." he says sitting next to me

"I cant let them go back Jc, They will get hurt!" I say

"I know man... But just think the socials might not find someone that will take them then they will be able to stay here."

I dont say anything... I just get up and walk to my room as soon as i get in there i flop onto my bed

I feel really bad for Kian in this chapter because in all honesty Kian is my favorite out of all of them...

I know I wrote it and whatever but ya know when you right something that came from you but you always end up with the feels?

Pretty much happens all the time with me it gets annoying!

Anyway I've written a lot more chapters in the book and I'm really happy that it's actually getting somewhere now!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


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