46 Baby!

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I get out of the shower only to find Ava yelling my name so I wrap my towel around me and walk back downstairs to find her... Of course with her camera

"MADDIE! The internet cant see that!" She squeals

"Oh they've seen worse!" I say and she laughs shutting off the camera

"You got the tickets?" She asks

"Yep we fly out tomorrow 7am" I say and she groan due to it being so early.

You see I haven't seen Kian in two years because I have been busy making music so now Elli gave me some time out to go surprise Kian on his birthday.

"Yo We need to re-dye your hair..."

"What do you mean?"

"It's faded"

"Nah I like it like this, plus we wont have enough time to do mine we could always dye yours" I say raising my eyebrows and she laughs

"Alright fine! Go get Blonde, pastel pink and blue!"

"Yeah m'lady!" I say bowing and she just glares at me.

I Run upstairs to grab my keys and realize im in sweats... I throw on a over sized shirt and some ripped jeans with converse and throwing my hair up in half up top knot then putting on concealer mascara and eye liner.

I grab my phone, Keys and purse and see I have 2 messages 1 from Jack and the other from Jc (For those who don't know Jacks real name is Sean so thats who I am referring to when I say Sean or Jack :) )

Hey! Want to verse in Rocket league? - Sean

Hey hey! Would love to but I have to run down the store to get some dye and dye Ava's hair... You can always come over to chill if you want! -Maddie

Hey Lil Ki! What time should you be getting in tomorrow? -Jc

Maybe 12:30 (Random Guess sorry if I'm wrong) -Maddie

I throw My stuff into the passenger seat of my Jeep and then put my phone on the aux cord so I can drive and Dance like a douche all the way to the store.


I get back home with all the supplies and even a couple take away coffee's and one for Jack in case he does come.

I pull in the driveway and I have another two messages.

Ok cool I'll Pick you two up from the air port then! :) -Jc

Thanks Poo Face ;P -Maddie

Yayyy!!! Girl time! I'm just kidding sounds like fun when abouts? -Sean

How about.... Now!? I have coffee for you too :) -Maddie

I step out of the car grabbing the bag of dye my purse and phone and Find a Sean stand right by me

"Son of a fuck! dammit Sean! don't do that!" I say punching his arm

"Hey! Dont say that thats naughty! And don't hit these plus 1 biceps!" He says and I can't help but laugh

"I'll let you Dream Jack..." I say and we walk inside

"I FOUND A WILD IRISH EATING THE FLOWERS AGAIN!" I yell and Sean looks at me and then bursts out laughing

"Where the fuck is he!?" Ava says coming out of the kitchen with a knife.

"Eep!" I here him yelp and he hides behind me grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Holy Fuck!" I say and she laughs putting the knife back and then Shadow Comes running over to Sean

"When your own dog likes your friend better then you" I say putting the bags on the bench

"It's the Irish in me!" he says messing around with Shadow

"That has to do with jack shit!" I say

"I see what you did there!" He says pointing at me then going back to the dog

"What.. I didn't do... Oh... JackSeptic- Yep got it..." I say mentally face palming Myself.

"Are we dying my hair or not...?" Ava says with the bottles in her hand.

"Yeah throw them here" I say and she does and its pretty much ready and she quickly sets up the living room with a chair for her to sit in and our hair dye towel.

I throw on the gloves and Put the blonde dye in the container then start dying her hair blonde to make it lighter then bleaching it then adding the colour while Sean managed to find the ps4...

It only took us a few hours to do it... Ok I lie it took like 5 hours to do and we are now just adding in the blue to the pink base for tips.

"How much Longer Maddie?" Ava asks eating a cookie

"You just have to leave it in for about an hour and a half and then wash it out with the colour conditioner then leave it to naturally dry! so about 2-3 hours" I say and she moans then we hear Sean yelling at the Tv because he's loosing at rocket league.

"Fucking! GET IN THE GOAL! Shut the fuck up Mark!" He yells and I cant help but laugh while putting the foil in Ava hair

"I think he's talking to Mark over skype again" She says and I nod even though she can't see me.

"Sean! Calm the fuck down!" I say and he flips me off.

"Hey I just forgot... Maddie didn't you make cake the other day" Ava says and I get her hint

"Yeah It's on the KITCHEN BENCH!" I say hinting the last part.

I see him throw the controller in the air and he runs past me and Ava to the kitchen.

"This. is. THE BEST DAY EVER!" I here Jack yell and then he walks out with the white creamy cake on a plate.

"Sean you forgot about Mark..." I say and he runs back to the computer beside the Tv

"Hello Maddie!" I see Mark's face pop up on the monitor.

"Hey Mark!" I say waving while packing up the hair dye

"Well everyone this is what happens when you get Little Lawley over here to dye your hair! I'll show you the end product soon. Oh! And Mr Septiceye Himself is here too!" Ava says showing Sean to the camera and he waves still focusing in the game

"Still dont know why you guys still call me that..." I sigh

"HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME!?!" Mark yells

"Oh And MarkiMoo is here too well kinda..." She says

"Now Ava dont touch anything for the next hour! Well with your hair anyway..." I say and she rolls her eyes

"Maddie Lawley... Still bossing me around like a two year old!" She laughs

"Well I dont want hair dye on the couch! And if you get it on there I will kill you!" I say

"Violence isnt the answer Maddie!" Sean yells

"SEAN! SHUT UP!" I say and he faces me with puppy eyes then I run over and hug him from behind

"I sowwy Jacky!" and he smiles.

"You ma Fav sista" He a funny accent making me laugh

"You ma fav irish broda" I say trying to mimic his accent

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