Chapter 1

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Hi my names Maddison. Maddison Lawley... yeah you read right.
Yeah Kian Lawley's little sister. Your probably know him. Being famous for his YouTube channel and being in a collab group called Our second life or O2L. Yeah I think you get it know... Well I'm his little sister didn't know he had one? Yeah I didn't think so... He doesn't usually talk about me. I mean I've got my fan base too because I've got a YouTube channel. But my fan base doesn't know I'm Kian's Sister... In fact they just think I'm really close friends with him. Kian's 3 years older than me I'm 16 and he's 19 and he's a way better parent then our real parents. He's been there for me through thick and thin. Only 2 of the O2L Members know me witch are Sam Pottorff and Jc Caylen They're practically my other older brothers. Sam and Jc would always come over to my house to hang with Kian and I because Kian and I where always together... Until Kian moved out witch sucked because now I'm stuck with an alcoholic Mother and an Abusive father. My Mums always either Drunk or drinking alcohol and my dad always cuts me or beats me... So I run to Kian's House and he lets me stay I know he lives with Jc and two other people but they don't know me yet. So I'm pretty much always near Kian. Just for safety. Any way I should tell you a little more about me! I'm 16, Brown Hair, Blonde tips, Blue eyes, Freckles along my cheeks on along the bridge of my nose, Average body build but I love going to the gym! I'm known for my YouTube channel and my singing... Yeah you can say I'm a pretty good singer. Kian's not only my brother but he's more my best friend.

A new day has started in California. I wake up and check my phone I've got a text from Sam from 20 minutes ago.
Hey Maddie Wanna Meet Up Later today? –Sam
Me being me I respond almost instantly
Heyy Sammy sure thing meet up at Starbucks at 1? –Maddie

Its 10:00 So I go for a shower in my bathroom.
I was in the shower for fifteen minutes then I walk back into my room with just a towel around me. I go to my wardrobe and find a pair of denim Pink and Purple Fade short shorts with a little Blue at the bottom with a plain black t-shirt. I checked the weather... 95 degrees... so I put on a thin cream cardigan (Just so I won't get burnt) with My black and Blue vans with the sole being pink I put on my favourite black and white bracelet that covers a scare on my arm from when my "Dad" Cut me with a butcher knife a couple years ago. Then I brush my hair and quickly straighten it.

*Beep Beep*
Sounds like a good idea see you then! Bring your Penny. ;) –Sam
with my outfit almost complete I grab my phone, My headphones and My black purse making sure I had $50 and all my cards in it Then I walk downstairs to get some Breakfast then noticing its 11:45.
"Woah time went quick." I say looking at the clock. I decide to have a bowl of special k then I eat it on the couch watching TV for another 20 minutes. Putting the bowl in the sink then I ran/tiptoed to my bathroom to brush my teeth and do my makeup. Mascara with winged eyeliner with a light pink lip gloss pretty much what I always do when I go out. That took me a while then I grab my blue deck and lavender wheeled penny then walk back downstairs to watch TV.

It came around 12:30 I grabbed My Board, purse and phone and wrote a note on a piece of paper in the kitchen and left it on the counter.
Going out for a while. If I don't come home tonight don't worry I might stay at a friend's place. Cya when I'm looking at ya. --Maddie. Xx
Well I didn't know when I was gonna be home and I might end up staying at Sam's place. So who knows? I make sure I have everything then I walk out the door putting my headphones in then putting music on real loud  placing my board on the side walk then riding to Starbucks singing the song that's playing on my phone. Jc thinks I'm a really good singer and well I don't know what I sound like I don't really pay any attention to myself when I sing.

I get to Starbucks and I saw Sam's Penny out the front so I take out my headphones and put my board next to his and I notice he's sitting on my table.
The look of our Starbucks is different to any other Starbucks In Cali because this one's so close to the beach it looks like a little hut from Hawaii, the roof made out of wood and straw the rest is wood its really open and I love going here! I go here so often I know the name of every worker off by heart and I am best friends the owner Jackie Lingus whenever they are short staff I always pop in to help Jackie out. I walk over to my table and I spot Sam and wave
"Hi Maddie the usual?" Jackie asks
"Yeah please Jackie! And whatever Sam wants to please!" I say Waving to Jackie as she prepares my White chocolate Frappe.
"What would you like Sam?" Jackie asks
"I'll take a Carmel Frappe Please!" Sam says with delight.
"Hey Sam." I say giving Sam a hug
"Hey Maddie I missed you!" He says kissing my forehead
"Sam last time we saw each other was last week! With Kian and Jc!" I say sitting across from Sam.
"Yeah I know but hanging with you is fun."
"Sammy you Fag!" I say stealing his snapback.
"HEY!" Sam Yells putting attention onto us while fixing his hair.
"Good one drongo now everyone is looking at us!" I say laughing
"HEY! That was your fault." He says laughing.
"Maddie here's your drinks!" Jackie calls
"I'll get them Sam." I say fixing the hat on my head.
"Is he your new boyfriend Maddie?" Jackie asks
"No Jackie! He's my brother's best friend! He's kinda like my brother." I say paying for the drinks.
"Don't worry Maddie these are on the house! Plus you two look cute together." She says handing the drinks.
"OK Whatever Jackie! Thank you for the drinks" I say laughing and grabbing the drinks. Jackie is a really nice lady! She lets me work here whenever I want or need too she's in her mid-30's but she acts like she's 25! She's so cool and understanding she's the main reason I come to Starbucks other than the drinks of course.
"Here Sammy." I say handing him his drink and putting his snapback back on his head messing his hair.
"Thanks Baby Ki. What were you two laughing about?" He says taking a sip and giving a thumb up to Jackie then he fixed his hair again then his hat. And he knows I hate that name! Jc and Sam called me that when I was 10 and now it's stuck because apparently I can sometimes act like Kian.
"Oh Nothing other than Jackie thought we were dating." I say taking a sip of my drink and noticing Sam go red but I let it slide but I saw him try to hide it witch made be giggle a bit.
"Did she really? Woah."
"Sam stop imaging it you know it won't happen you're like my older brother!" Say laughing.
"What I... Eh I was just wondering what it would be like."
"Well stop! Ok anyway how's Jc and Kian?"
"Good! Jc's finally dating Lia!"
"Bout time!
"And Kian's well Kian!" He says and we both start laughing.
"So nothing's really changed then?"
"Nope not really. How you going with your YouTube channel?" 
"Yeah good! I'm 15 Subscribers away to 1 million so."
"Oh my god Baby Ki! That's awesome!" he says hugging me across the table

"Hello?" I say picking up my phone
"Hello. Is this Maddie Lawley?"
"Yeah it is."

Who's on the phone to Maddie? What do they want? What will happen next?
Hello every one I'm new to this whole writing storys on Wattpad thing so i really hope you all enjoy reading it! So any way my name is Maddie... Yeah i know same name in the story sorry... but yeah hope you enjoy ;) xx

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