Chapter 8

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“MADDISON YOU’RE A FUCKING SLUT! YOU ARE THE UGLYEST CHILD EVER AND YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE HERE!” My Dad Screams slashing me with a butcher knife getting my wrist. Kian Where are you!?! I need you here! I thought to myself
“IF IM SO UGLY DAD THEN I GOT MY LOOKS OFF OF YOU!” I scream and instantly regret it because of the massive knife he is holding. He takes a swing at me but I ducked just in time he got the end of my hair making some of it fall to the ground.
“WHY DO YOU HATE ME DAD!? WHAT DID I DO WRONG!” I yell he just stood there he thought about it for a little then spoke up.
“YOU WERE BORN!” I look at the floor and there is a small puddle of blood and bit of my hair.
“ THAT’S NOT MY FAULT YOU SHOULD HAVE WORN PROTECTION IF YOU DIDN’T WANT ME THAT BAD!” I scream then run and I heard him running after me! Everything felt like it was in slomo I can hear his boots hitting the ground as he takes a massive step running towards me. But it was no use I was too slow. I feel a large amount of pain hit my back. Then I fall to the ground hitting my head hard. I faintly hear my dad running out the door and dropping the knife and driving away. I try not to close my eyes and Grab my phone out of my pocket.
Sam you need to get here now!” I Say into the phone hopefully so he could hear me. He was the most recent person I have spoken to and I didn’t know if Kian would answer.
“Wait... What? Why?”
“Just get to my place NOW!”
I hang up and put the phone beside me but my hand felt wet. I look at my hand. It was covered in blood and it wasn’t from my wrist. The Basturd slashed my back. I try to look behind me still lying on the floor and notice my body in a small puddle of blood.
“Sam Please… Hurry…” I say then blackout.

I sit up gasping for air I have a bug lump in my throat tears are running down my face and I remember that night like it was just 5 hours ago. I need to call someone I have to call someone… Kian? No… He’s probly asleep. It being 7 in the morning… What about Sam? Jc? Trevor? No they won’t pick up I remember Jc saying he was going on a date with Lia tonight as for Trevor and Sam… Well I just met Trevor and that would be weird plus I don’t have his number!  But Sam I might as well try him. I pick up my phone finding the contact that Says Sammy P. I press the call button and wait… and wait a little longer… nope over to voice mail… God damn it Sam! I know ill try Jenn. I Dial her number and wait for her to answer come on Jenn pick up please!
Hello?” She says in a muffled tone thank god she answered.
JENN! It’s Maddie sorry if I woke you up.”
“Maddie it’s all good I was watching Netflix because I couldn’t sleep again! Now what’s wrong?”
“Jenn I had a dream and well it was more a flashback dream kinda thingy… anyway it was when Dad slashed me with the knife.”
“Holy geez Maddie ill be right over.”
“Thanks doors open ill be in my room.”
I say as Jenn hangs up on me. Great now that dream keeps playing through my head.

At that point I just broke down again. I could hear Shadow barking at my door so I let her in. She immediately jumped onto my bed and I got back in bed and cuddled her while still crying. Then my phone starts vibrating… I check the caller ID Sammy P. I answer as fast as I can but trying to calm down.

“Maddie!?! Are you ok!? Its 7 in the morning!” He says frantically.
“Sorry if I w… woke you Sam…”  I studded
“It’s ok now what’s wrong!?”
“I had a dream but it wasn’t a dream it was more a flashback.”
“OK... of what.”
“Remember when I called you in February…”
“Yeah… Wait don’t worry I’ll be right over!”
“No! Nah don’t worry about it Sam. Jenn’s on her way here”
“But… You know what I’ll be there in 5.”
“I’m closer then Jenn is and you need someone there now! Be there soon Love you.”
Sam says hanging up I drop my phone and cuddle Shadow letting the tears fall again. My head hurts my throat feels weird and I won’t stop shaking. 

I don’t know how long I’ve been crying for maybe not that long but it feels like an eternity. I have my head buried in my knees and shadow is lying next to me asleep but then there is a bang that came from down stairs and she popped her head up then ran down stairs.
“Shadow Get back here!” I sob/yell
No response. She didn’t come back. But she did start barking.
“Shadow shut up!” I heard a voice say. Sam! I hear him walking up the stairs his footsteps getting faster and faster until they turned into running. I saw him at my door.
“Maddie…” Sam said walking over to my bed then he sits on the edge.
“Sorry… Sam…” I say moving next to him and resting my head on his shoulder.
“Why are you sorry you didn’t do anything?” He asked giving me a confused look then putting his arm around my shoulder.
“Yeah I did… every time I get emotional I call you every time something bad happens your always there we hardly have any good memories together…”
“Maddie… I don’t care… all our memories together are good even if we’re both crying!”
“Sammy! This is why I’m glad Kian and you are best friends!”
“Why?” He says with a confused look.
“Because I have known you ever since I can remember and your absolutely amazing!” I say with a smile.
“There’s that adorable little smile! I love you little sis!” He says poking my lips.
“Love you too Sammy!” I say giving him a big hug. Then as we let go he kissed me. It felt good calming sort of… but it was really awkward because well… WAIT! I’M A MINOR!
“Sorry… I forgot you were a minor…”  YOU DONT SAY!?! He said pulling away then running his had through his hair.
“It’s… ER… It’s all good.” I say giving an awkward smile and he returns the smile.

OH SNAP! That did not just happen! Well it did but hey what can ya do? BUT ON A SERIOUS NOTE!!! Trevor's New EP!!! oh lord i am in love with it whats you favourite song mine XIAT!

Any way hope you enjoyed! I'm sure you know the drill comment follow and Vote! :) Byeeezzzz

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