Chapter 3

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“MADDIE!?!” Kian screamed running through the front door almost knocking it down. I run up to him jumping for him to pick me up. He just gives me a really big hug with my legs wrapped around him for support. The house is filled with mine and Kian’s sobbing. I hop away from Kian then just give him a normal hug then I spot Jc in the door way I let go of Kian then run to Jc.
“Thanks Bro.” Kian says to Sam.
“No Problem.’ Sam says bro hugging Kian.
“Hey Skit How ya feelin?” And there’s another little kid nickname and I don’t even know how I got that one!
“Honestly I feel like shit.” I say Sobbing into Jc’s shirt hugging him.
“Do you guys wanna watch a movie just to relax?” Sam asks.
“Yeah…” Kian and Jc say I just nod as Kian Picks a movie and I sit on the couch next to Sam and the arm of the chair.
“Can you guys stay tonight…? Please?” I ask they all nod and then the movie starts. I cuddle up to Sam since I’m a little cold and I end up falling asleep cuddling with Sam.

“Maddie? Maddie? Maddie!” Sam Said shaking me.
“Wha!?! Whatever I did Mum it was Kian!” I Say Faintly.
“Maddie it’s Sam.” Sam said
“Well good to see I can trust you with anything.” Kian says Laughing with his arms crossed.
“Sorry… What did I miss?” I say rubbing my eyes trying not to mess my makeup.
“Nothing the movie finished a little while ago So Kian and I went to get food and Sam stayed with you just in case you woke up.” Jc explained handing me My favourite Starbucks drink and some fries from McDonalds.
“Thanks you guys…” I say
“Well I’m gonna head to bed. Night guys. Night Kid.” Kian said hugging me then walking to his old bedroom. We never cleared his room Mum said to leave it just in case of emergencies and well this worked pretty well.
“Night.” We all say.
“I’m gonna head up to. Have you got a spare room Maddie?” Sam asks.
“Yeah Just got one built an hour ago. First door on the right upstairs.” I say Laughing then the guys join in too.
“Ok Night Maddie Just text if you need anything!” Sam Says Kissing my forehead and stealing two fries.
“Night Sam!” Jc and I say laughing.
“How you feelin Maddie?” Jc says sitting next to me
“Yeah a little better thanks Jc.” I say hugging him trying not to spill my Frap or Fries.
“Hey no problem anything for my adopted little sister!” Jc whispers in my ear kissing my cheek. I start to get really tiered so I finish my Fries and put my drink in the fridge.
“Do you want me to set up the couch Jc? Or you can stay with Kian, Sam or me…” I say Laughing walking back to the lounge.
“I think I’ll stay with you Skit.” He says giving a geeky smile which makes me giggle. Then Jc and I start walking upstairs and go to my room.
“I’ll be back.” I say Walking to my wardrobe getting changed into a tank top and a pair of Tracksuit pants. Then walking to the bathroom to wipe off my makeup and brushing my teeth.
“You know you look nice without you’re makeup Maddz.” Jc says giving me a little hug. Then I notice him Shirt less. Even though I’ve seen it before it still weird’s me out a little...
“Shut up Jc and go back to bed.” I say pointing to the door.
“Aw ok then.” He says throwing me over his shoulder and Carrying me to Bed I lightly punching his back so he would put me down. He did he just threw me onto my bed.
“Dick.” I say Smiling.
“Fag!” He whispered.
“Whatever Night Jc.” I say going under the covers on lying on my side.
“Night Skit.” He says Kissing my forehead making me smile. Then he gets undercover and falls asleep. I lay here for a little longer just thinking about Mum and Dad then end up crying myself to sleep. I end up having I nightmare and I gasp and Sit up and my breathing went heavy.
“Maddie are you ok!?!” Jc said Faintly still half asleep
“Yeah sorry Jc I just had a nightmare.” I say Still heavily breathing.
“What Happened? You know in the nightmare.” He says rubbing my back.
“It’s just… it was Mum and Dad they were in the Fire and They were screaming for me and Kian. We couldn’t do anything and we just watched their bodies melting from the fire.” I say with tears running down my cheeks.
“Maddie its ok it was just a dream.” He says.
“Thanks Jc.” I say laying back down.
“No problem night Maddie.” He says just before I drift off again.

Kian, Jc and Sam to the rescue! haha hey guys hope you all enjoyed that chapter I know it was a little boring but yeah xx

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