Chapter 3

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I got out of my car, going into the daycare that Damien was in since Jermaine couldn't pick him up in time.

I walked in but came to a stop when I seen Angel in the room, trying to talk to Damien. He looked at me and smiled.

"Kiara!" He ran to me, hugging my legs.

"Hey boo." I smiled but then turned my attention to Angel, who was mugging the fuck out of me. "Can I help you?"

"So what? You playing step mommy or something?" She chuckled, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm not finna do this with you, not right now." I said, walking up to his teacher with her right behind me.

"Bitch, I'm his mother. What the fuck you dealing with my son for?" I scrunched my face up at this stupid ass hoe.

"Mother?" I chuckled, waving her off. "Sis, don't go there cause who pull-" I stopped myself from saying what I was finna say because the teacher was right there.

"De, let's go." I said, calling Damien by the nickname I gave him. He grabbed my hand, holding on to it tightly.

"Damien, come here." Angel reached out to grab him but he moved around, hiding behind my legs.

"Angel, I ain't gonna tell you this but one time. Get the heck away from him." I said, slightly pushing her back.

"Ma'am, Imma have to ask you to leave." The teacher said, looking at Angel. I guess you could see how uncomfortable she was making Damien.

She scoffed, walking out of the building.

Crazy ass hoe.

I paced the floor in my office, trying to get all of my thoughts together. Now, I gotta figure out who the hell is Kevin and why the hell Cortez wants to go by CJ. All of this shit is making my head hurt.

"It doesn't make any sense." I mumbled, sitting down , typing on my laptop. Trying to get information about shit you barely know about is frustrating as fuck.

"Come in." I said to the knock on my door. I nodded at Khalisè, continuing to type.

"Wassup, dawg?" I asked, closing my laptop, paying attention to her.

"Hey boo. I just came to tell you I still haven't found out what King went in for, and have yet to find a lawyer that will actually work in his favor." I sighed, covering my face with my hands.

"We can't just sign anyone to his case. This is harder than I thought." I mumbled, sitting up.

The door opened. I rolled my eyes seeing Vinchi once again with Malik.

"Ight, Jermaine and me gotta go somewhere so you and Vinchi gotta do this drop together." I raised my eyebrows, trying to find out who the hell he talking about.

"Khalisè right?" I said, pointing at her.

"No, you." I sat there and thought about it for a slick second.

Not finna let this nigga interfere with my money.

"Bet." I stood up, grabbing my stuff. "Khalisè we'll finish this conversation later."
I put the bag that was filled with money in the backseat. The car was silent as Vinchi was driving.

:Any information on Cortez yet?

Best🤍🤞🏾: Nope, still trying to locate him.

"Who the hell is CJ?" I mumbled to myself.

"Huh?" I scoffed, looking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"You know I wasn't talking to you."

He smacked his teeth. "Amara, I ain't got time for this."

"Then don't have time for it, nigga." I said, turning my whole body towards him.

He sighed, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Nia told me what's going on."

"Okay so? You were gonna found out either way." I said, lighting my blunt that I had in the car.

"Can you just shut the fuck up and listen?!"

"Why the fuck should I?! Don't say shit else to me, dawg." I responded, blowing some smoke out.

He pulled over, stopping the car.

"Look bruh, I ain't tryna do this shit right now, I'm tryna help yo non- thinking ass!"

"I don't need help with shit, bitch! I don't need anything for yo ass, so like I said, don't say shit else to me." I said, taking another pull from the blunt.

I straight faced him as he stared at me. He nodded, starting the car back up.

"All imma say is this, you can listen or you don't. You need to think about all the situations from the past, anything that Cortez could possibly be connected to." I shifted in my seat, looking out the window, not focusing on anything he was saying.

Get me out of this car faster please.
"I can't put a finger on who any of these people are. Not Kevin, not Cortez, anybody." Malik said, sitting in his chair.

"Me either, bruh. Nothing is clicking, I feel like we missing something." Jermaine said, leaning on the wall.

"What could we possibly be missing? Cortez just wants to go by some silly ass name just to fuck with our heads, and Kevin? Shit, we'll find out who he is when we run into him. I'm not finna make my head spin because of motherfuckers that's not gonna do shit." I shrugged, crossing my arms.

If these motherfuckers were such a big threat, they would've been did something. I'm not finna run around, trying to find out what the hell these niggas got in store for us.

"Yoo, what's going on?" Khalisè said, walking into the room.

"Trying to find out why the hell niggas love playing with our top." I mumbled, sitting on the floor.

"Y'all know I'm good for tracking people down right? Just give me the name and I gotcha." Khalisè said.

"We looking for Cortez and some nigga named Kevin?" I responded. I furrowed my eyebrows when her eyes slightly got big.

"Kevin? Kevin who?"

"Um, we don't know yet." Malik said, furrowing his eyebrows too.

"You straight, Khalisè?" Jermaine asked the question I was finna ask.

"Oh yeah, I'm cool. I gotta head out real quick tho so I'll talk to y'all tomorrow." She said, rushing out of the room.

Me, Jermaine and Malik looked at each other with confused looks on our faces.

What the hell was that about?

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