Chapter 14

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"Never again." I mumbled as I continued to throw up. As soon as I finished my shower, I rushed to the toilet. Before I moved my hair out of my face, I washed my hands and brushed my teeth.

My head was banging like a motherfucker. I can't remember anything from last night except eating.

I grabbed the medicine that Kiara left me on the counter and popped it in my mouth.

"Shit." I mumbled, grabbing my phone, walking downstairs to Khalisè's game room or woman cave, whatever you wanna call it.

"Hey Amara." I waved at Kiara and sat down in between Khalisè and Nia.

"Damn, I slept that late?" I said when I noticed that it was 2 in the evening.

"All of y'all did. Y'all didn't go to sleep until 4 inna morning." I shook my head, leaning back on the couch.

My phone rung, making me groan before even seeing who was calling me.

Vinchi calling...

I pressed the decline button, putting my phone back down.

"Now why did you do that?" Nia asked. I looked at her, seeing her lip turned up.

"I don't fuck with him." I shrugged.

"Sure you don't, Amara."

"Yeah, you must don't remember what you was saying last night." Kiara mumbled, making me confused.

"What you talking about?"

"Nothing." She said, doing something on her phone.

I groaned in frustration again, hearing that I was getting another call.

Malik 🦍💕 calling...

"Yeah?" I answered, standing up slowly, walking to Khalisè's kitchen.

"Why you decline Vinchi's call?" I scrunched my face up, putting my hand on the counter.


"Nigga, you heard me."

"Malik, what you want, dawg?" I huffed.

"We needed some information about some drop that you and Vinchi did a while back, but I guess we got it."

I waved my hand around a little, trying to see what's the point of this damn call. "So you're calling because?"

"Don't do that shit, Se. Where you at?"

"At Khalisè's house, why?"

"Cause yo ass didn't come home last night."

"So?" I shrugged.

"Ooo. Bye Amara cause you gonna make me break ya fucking neck with this damn attitude." I chuckled as he hung up.

I walked back to the room, laying on the floor.
(Later On That Day)
"Your head still hurting too, ain't it?" I nodded at Nia's question.

"I told y'all asses to stop drinking but noooo." Kiara shook her head. "Khalisè, what you doing?"

"Nothing really. Just working on something." She mumbled as she typed on her computer.

"Aren't y'all glad it's Saturday? Didn't have to go to school."

"It ain't like we be there anyways." I mumbled. Nia agreed before laying across the couch her and Khalisè were sitting on.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Khalisè sighed before getting up after sitting her computer down.

"I'll be back."

I threw my thumb up before closing my eyes, preparing for a good ass nap.


I opened my eyes, looking at Khalisè as she stood in the walk way.

"It's for you." I turned my face up, standing up, following her out of the room.

"Nia, what you doing?"

"Shut up, bitch, I'm nosy." I shook my head, turning the corner to the living room door. I mentally rolled my eyes, continuing to walk to the door.

"What?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"How y'all doing?" Vinchi said, waving at the girls behind me. "Let me borrow you for a second."

"For what?" You could see his jaw slightly tighten up before he opened the door.

"Come on, let's go." I stared up at him before wiping the top of my nose with my thumb.

"Man, I'll be back." I mumbled, following him out of the door.

We walked to his car, standing beside it. I crossed my arms when he rested his arm on top of it.

"Wassup with you?" Really nigga?


"So you literally just gonna ignore me for what? The rest of ya life?"

"Ion know, you tell me."

"Look, Amara." He tapped his fingers against his car before looking at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or-"

"Yeen hurt shit." I lied, shifting my standing position a little.

"Amara." He stale faced me.

"What Vinchi? Damn." I mumbled the last part but I know he heard me.

"Ight, what the fuck is up with yo damn attitude?" He said, scrunching his face up.

"Ain't shit up with my attitude."

"Why the fuck you won't just listen to me then?"

"Who the fuck you cursing at?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He leaned his head on his hand, closing his eyes.  I could tell that I was frustrating him, but I didn't care.

"I really don't see the point in this conversation." I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

"I'm starting not to see it, too since you won't listen to a nigga."

"Then why the hell are we still out here?" I scrunched my face up.

"I don't know, Amara. I don't know." He let his hands slap the side of his legs. "I'm not use to this. Yeah, we always arguing but it's never been like this. We haven't really talked in months."

"You're saying it like it's my fault." I said, tilting my head.

I honestly wanted to slap the fuck outta him and I don't know why. I don't know if it's because of what went down a few months ago or if it's because of what I seen at the mall yesterday.

"I'm not saying that."

"Then whatcha saying, bruh?"

"I'm saying what I've been trying to say for the last few months!" I lightly jumped hearing his voice raise a little bit.

"What do I have to do to show you that I didn't mean what the fuck I said? How many times do I have to actually say 'I'm sorry, Amara' for you to hear me?" He stared down at me, I guess he was waiting for an answer.

I just stared at him, asking myself if I wanted to ask this question or not.

"Who- nevermind." I mumbled, quickly shaking my head.

"What? What is it? Just ask me, Mamas." He walked up a little, lightly holding the palm of his hand up to my cheek. I felt my heart speed up at his touch, making me back up.

"No. Move. It's nothing." I quickly pushed his hand away.

We both stood in silence before he nodded, walking over to the driver's side of the car. He got in, speeding away.

I wiped my face, sighing in frustration. "Shit."

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