Chapter 29

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"Damien and Jermaine Andrews!" Me and Damien stopped and turned to Kiara, who had her hands behind her back.

"Awe shit." I mumbled, putting him down since I had him thrown over my shoulder.

"If y'all don't stop breaking shit, imma break my foot off in your ass." I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. She sound like a damn mama.

"You laughing, Dub?" She slowly walked up to me.

"Ian said jack." I said, shaking my head.

Next thing you know, my whole face was covered with white whipped cream.

That's why her hands were behind her back.

"Oh bravo, I bet y'all put this shit together." I said, pointing at both of them since they started laughing.

"I gotta run to the store real quick. I'll be back." I said, wiping the cream off my face, putting it on hers.

"Jermaine." She stale faced me, wiping it on Damien's face.

"Hey!" He held both his hands up when he seen me coming towards him. I laughed, seeing him run away.

"That little boy right there." I shook my head.

"What you want to eat?" Kiara asked me, stretching.

"What ever you cook me." I kissed her lips and slapping her ass, which she just ignored.

"Ight, imma holla."
"I gotta nigga but tonight I'm finna show my ass." I rapped but instantly stopped as soon as those words left my mouth.

"Nope, you're never listening to Kiara's music again." I said in disgust.

I grabbed the things I needed, and soon began heading to the check out center.

"Dub!" I ignored whoever was calling my name cause I just don't like talking to people. Unless they're family, that is.

"Dub, I know you hear me!" I scrunched my face up at the screeching voice.

As I turned around, I seen a female coming towards me. What now?

"Yo." I said, waiting for her to tell me who she was.

"You a weak ass nigga, you know that?" I looked at her, irritated as hell.

"Who the hell even are you? Can you hurry this up? I got places to be." I said, straightening myself up.

"Who am I? Nigga, it's Ivy." I still held my facial expression.

"nIgGa ItS iVy, who the fuck is Ivy?" I asked.

"Ivy!" She said again. I hate dumb ass people.

I had to think about it. "Ivy? A broad I was fucking back in high school?" I asked and she nodded. "What that gotta do with me being a weak ass nigga?"

"You a weak ass nigga because you got me pregnant and left!" My mouth slowly dropped along with my heart.

The word pregnant ran through my head over and over again.

"Fuck you mean I got you pregnant? You got the wrong nigga." I said, turning my back to her.

"You was the only nigga I was with at the time, Dub!"

"A damn lie. Look, ion know who Ya baby daddy is, but you need to go find him." I said, once again turning away from her.

It went silent, making me think she left.

"Look." She said, making me groan. "He's three, about to be four years old."

I looked at her, not knowing what to say. The same age as Damien.

"Either you get your shit together or I take you to court. Have a nice day." She said, walking away.

I sighed, looking up to the sky.

Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

"Props to niggas that ain't hoes cause if I had a dick, I wouldn't know how to act." I said, making Vinchi spit out his water. "What?"

"Yo, you wild as fuck." He said, laughing along with Nia.

"Your sister is fucking wild." King said to Nia.

"That's why we sisters. She's every bit of me. I would be on that same shit." She said as we dapped each other up.

"But we would be in the wrong if we did it." Vinchi said, looking at me.

"Hell yeah." I said, laughing.

"I miss robbing niggas and running from the police." I said, frowning, making everyone look at me.

"Shiid, I don't. Shit is a workout." Nia said, passing me the blunt that she had.

"I sure as hell don't. All I gotta do is be black and die now." Vinchi said, making me scoff.

"Nah, cause I been to jail. I hated seeing niggas everyday. It just ain't right." King said, shaking himself off.

"Let me lay right here." I said, moving to this nigga's chest before he could say anything.

"But nah, I take it back. I don't want to risk losing my youngins ever again." I responded, blowing my smoke into Vinchi's face.

"Y'all weird as shit."

"Nigga, you weird as shit." Vinchi said, swatting King's hand away from the blunt.

"I swear if y'all drop it, we gonna kick both of y'all ass." Nia said as I nodded in agreement.

"What you talking about?"

"Malik almost got his ass kicked for dropping the blunt, so don't play." They smacked their teeth, basically ignoring us.

"Amara, I'm hungry." I looked at Vinchi with a messed up look on my face.

"Nigga this y'all house, ion know what you got in the fridge."

"First off, Amara you know you lying." Nia said. "Second off, ion think that's what he's talking about."

Just when she said that, I was lifted into the air and thrown over his shoulder.

"I'll catch y'all later."

"Nasty motherfuckers!" King yelled after us, only for Vinchi to laugh.

I hang around dumbass folks.

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