Chapter 24

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:I miss my bestfriend ☹️

Best🤍🤞🏾: I miss yo fake ass too, you done got some dick and forgot about little Ole me, bitch I'm hurt✋🏾

:me? Getting dick? Neverrrr

Best🤍🤞🏾: Tell that to the "I love everybody" post that you made on Snapchat

:wait a minute I POSTED IT?! Shit let me take that down before Le and Dub see that shit.

"Fuck." I mumbled as soon as I pressed send, forgetting about Jermaine being in jail.

"Malik, is there any update on Jermaine?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"I mean not really, I've been talking to him for the last 4 days."

"4 days?! And you didn't tell me, I haven't spoke to him since forever dawg." I threw my hands up, showing my frustration.

"Why don't you go visit him?"

"You literally told me I couldn't. We all had to stop our visits for King because the cops got hot. And is he even booked yet?"

"I don't know man, all I know is that they bullshitting seriously."

"Next time he call, can you please let me know?"

"I gotcha." He gave me a side hug before walking into the living room.

I miss my brother so much.

Seeing my keys on the table, I decided to go see my best friend. We haven't really spoken face to face since everything's been going on.

"Hey Mr. Williams." I gave him a hug.

This is one man that I will forever respect. He's been there for my family for the longest. One of my other father figures beside Malik and Jermaine.

"Hey 'Mara, how you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, where you on your way to?"

"Work, I picked up more hours to keep food on the table." I nodded, seeing him fix his clothes up a little. "Nia is in her room."

"Thank you, have a nice day at work."

"Thank you."

I locked the door before heading to Nia's room.

"Best friend, a bad bitch in the hous- Nia?" My eyebrows shifted as I stared at her. She was just sitting on the bed, but the look on her face said so much more.

"Boo what's wrong?" She didn't say anything to me, just continued to stare into space.

I looked around the room, trying to see if anything would explain why she looks this way.

Nothing stood out, except for her phone that had a picture of King on the front screen, kinda like she was scrolling through her gallery.

Just then is when I realized that her eyes were red and puffy. I sighed, biting my lip. I hate that this happened.

I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her as she did the same. My eyes got watery when she started to cry.

God please make a way.

"Hey, Malik. Can I lay him on your couch?" I asked, shifting Damien in my arms while he was sleep.

"Yeah, Fashoo. Just come on in." I carried him to the couch before laying him down, making sure he didn't wake back up.

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