Chapter 9

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(3 weeks later)

"Man, lil sis wake up. We miss you, Damien misses you too."

It's been damn near a month and Amara still hasn't woken up yet. Cortez stopped his little messages, we still got Jasmine locked up, and Angel done disappeared a little.

"Just wake up, Amara. Damn." I put my head in my hands, sniffling.

I hate that Amara even got in this shit with us. Me and Malik's job is to protect her and we still let something happen to her. It's not a good feeling at all.

I got up, walking out of the room to answer the phone. "Yeah?"

"You ready to tell me the information you got for Mr. Bridges?" Malik's voice said through the phone.

"Yeah, Ill be on my way in a minute, gone head go to Mr. Bridges office." I put my finger up to tell Kiara to hold on for a minute.

"Ight bet." I hung up the phone before walking over to Kiara. "I'll be back in a minute, can you make sure Damien is ight? He's in Khalisè's room sleep."

"Yeah, no problem. I just gotta go check on Amara first." I nodded, kissing her forehead before walking into the living room where Khalisè was waiting on me.

"Let's go."
"What's up br-" Malik stopped talking when he seen Khalisè walking with me. "Yo, what she doing here?"

"Dub, what the hell?" Khalisè scrunched her face up, looking Malik up and down.

"Ight, whatever problems y'all got going on can wait later. Khalisè, who is your father?" I asked, turn towards her.

"I don't have one." She shrugged, crossing her arms.

"Wait, are you saying..?" Malik said. I nodded, giving him a thumbs up. "Hell nah, I would've known."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "Khalisè, what's your last name?"

"Why?" Malik scoffed as I turned, walking into the building.

"Come in." I walked into Mr. Bridges room with Thing 1 and Thing 2 behind me. He stood up, holding his hand out.

"How you doing, Jermaine? Wassup, Malik?" We both shook his hand before he turned to Khalisè. He looked at her then looked at me and Malik.

"Hello." Khalisè said, holding her hand out. She had no idea what was going on.

"Um." Mr. Bridges cleared his throat, fixing himself up before shaking her hand. "How you doing?"

"Mr. Bridges, meet Khalisè, your daughter."

I walked around the park, trying to get all of my thoughts together.

"This would be a lot easier if Amara was here." I mumbled, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Too bad she isn't." I stopped walking, standing still. I let out a breath before I turned around, punching the person behind me dead in their jaw.

"Damn, lil sis." Cortez said, holding his jaw. "You got a punch on you."

"Back the fuck up." I said, pushing him back as he tried to walk up to me.

"Nia, don't be like that." He smirked, making me scrunch my face up.

He grabbed my arm, yanking me towards him. I reached around my waist, pulling my strap. Before I could get it all the way out, he put a cloth over my mouth, making everything go black.

"Wait, so you didn't know anything about me? You had no idea that you were finna have a child?" I asked the guy that Jermaine brought me to.

"I had no clue. I didn't know I had a child until a few years ago and I've been trying to get in touch with you, but you keep a low profile and your mother never told you anything about me." He said, making me cross my arms.

"Are you kidding me? So my mom's been keeping my father away from me this whole time?" I asked myself, scrunching my face up.

"I swear I didn't intentionally not be there for you. I don't know why your mom decided to keep me from you but it wasn't my fault." I stared at him to see if he was lying.

"I need a minute." I walked out of his office, walking out of the building.

So many questions were in my head. Why would she do this? Why would she lie to me?

A text message coming to my phone interrupted my thoughts. I looked at the message, getting irritated.

***-***-****: Attachment: 1 Image

***-***-****: My dad says hi.

I covered my mouth when I seen the picture of Nia tied up to a chair. I rushed into the building, grabbing Malik and Jermaine.

"Yo, what's going on?" I showed them the picture of Nia. They looked at each other before walking out of the building with me.
"What are you saying? I gotta go with you!" I semi yelled as I walked in my house.

We are now at my house, grabbing different things that we think we need. Malik is trying to tell me to stay here but I ain't having it.

"Khalisè, you gotta stay. We need someone to look after Amara."

"Kiara is here, Malik. And..." I paused, trying to find the right way to say this. "Look, I got extra information that I need to be with y'all for."

He stopped, turning to look at me. "What is it?"

"I can't tell you."

"Khalisè, tell me what the fuck you talking about!"

"I can't tell you until I know it's true!"

"Ya know what?" He chuckled, wiping his nose. "Fuck this shit, dawg. For all I know, you could be giving out information to someone else."

"Are you seriously finna do this shit again, Le? Come the fuck on!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

We stared at each other before Jermaine came in the house.

"Vinchi is in the car with Jasmine and Angel. Let's go."

"Wait, how did you get Angel?" Malik asked, putting his strap in a bag.

"I tracked her down." We nodded before they began to head out the door.


Before I could finish my sentence, they closed the door. I groaned before heading to the room Amara was in, praying that they actually handle the situation the right way.
"Wait so now Cortez has Nia?" Kiara asked, rocking a sleeping Damien in her arms.

"Yes, and I really needed to be with them at this moment because they don't know a piece of information that I do."

"Why didn't you just tell them?"

"Because I just couldn't. I know that is making me look suspicious but I swear, I don't have anything to do with what's going on." I said, truthfully.

"I hear you, Khalisè. Dub, Le, and Vinchi are smart. They will handle the situation right." I looked at her before nodding, trying to calm down a little.

"But Nia." I started, shaking my head. "God, I hope Nia is alright."

"Me too. That picture you showed me didn't look too good. I wish all of this could just be over."

"Me too." I sighed, closing my eyes as I sat back.

"W-what happened t-to N-Nia?"

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