Chapter 11

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"You sure you wanna do that?"

Amara, Jermaine, and Malik all froze when a voice hit the room. A familiar voice that they remember from 5 years ago.

Amara's eyes grew big when she seen Tez hold a gun to the back of Vinchi's head.

"Back up." Amara looked at Vinchi before slowly backing away from Cortez, ignoring the fact that Vinchi was telling her not to do it by shaking his head "no".

"Pass me your guns." Amara and Nia placed their guns on the floor, sliding it to Tez.

The room filled with silence while Amara, Malik, and Jermaine watched Tez's every move. October 2nd of 5 years ago ran across their minds. They couldn't believe it. They were finally face to face with their parents' killer.

"Missed me?" Tez smirked, grabbing Vinchi's arm, making him walk.

Nia stared at Jermaine, then at Malik, then at Amara. All of them had the same expression on their faces. The same hateful expression that showed all of their pain from 5 years ago.

"I see you brought Jas and Angel with you." Vinchi looked at Jasmine with confusion. What they didn't know was Angel and Jasmine were working with Cortez and his father, but they were working for their enemy as well.

"Malik, Jermaine and Amara." Tez chuckled, looking at all three of them. "Never thought you'd see me again, huh?"

"Keep my fucking name out ya mouth." Malik stated, tightening his grip on Jasmine's arm.

"You sure you want to be doing that? Right now?" Tez gestured to the fact that he could blow Vinchi's head off at any given time.

"What's wrong, gang? Why y'all act like y'all don't want to see me?" Tez said in a sarcastic tone, causing Cortez to laugh. "Or are you still mad about me killing your parents?"

"Nigga, shut the fuck up, dawg." Jermaine managed to say. Everything was weighing down on him. He was trying to hold back a little but he doesn't know how much more he could take.

"Let em go." Jermaine and Malik looked at each other before letting Jasmine and Angel go. They both turned around, grabbing Jermaine's and Malik's guns.

Cortez nodded his head at both girls, like it was some kind of signal. They both walked to this door, going inside the room.

Jermaine's eyes widened when he seen Angel holding Damien at gunpoint for the second time and Jasmine holding Kiara at gunpoint.

"How the fuck..." Amara said, giving everyone a confused look. She left them two at the house.

"Rule number 1, don't leave anybody by themselves."

"We don't need your dumbass rules." Amara said, crossing her arms.

"Well obviously you do if I was able to get into your house when you left." Tez shrugged. "Come on Amara, I thought you were smarter than that."

"Bitch, stop talking to me."

"Oh, you bold as hell, huh? You must keep forgetting that I can kill this nigga at any given moment?" Tez said, nodding his head to his son.

Cortez got closer to Amara and grabbed Amara's arm, pushing his gun on her cheek.

"Angel, let my nephew go." Amara said, ignoring the shake that Cortez gave her.

Amara had a feeling that deep down, Tez and his son wasn't gonna do shit. If they were, they would've been did it.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up." Nia raised her eyebrows as she looked at Angel.

"Bitch, don't get beat the fuck up." Nia said, mugging her.

"Jermaine, you better get ya sister."

"Hoe, don't say shit to me. I swear to God don't say anything to me." Jermaine said, never taking his eyes off of Damien. His eyes filled with tears when he noticed the tear stains on his son's face.

"Doesn't this seem familiar? Not too long ago, you were in this same position, Amara." Tez stated as he laughed. "This time, y'all are actually gonna die tho."

"And what makes you think that?" Malik asked, crossing his arms.

"Well, for the simple fact that I'm here. Maybe I'll finally get what I've been looking for."

"And what's that?"

"My money that your father owes me." Amara scoffed, realizing that money is what this is all about.

"Wait let me get this straight." Jermaine said, slightly chuckling in disbelief. "You going through all this bullshit over some money from 5 years ago?"

"You're kidding me, right?" Malik said, letting out a frustrated sigh.

With Amara not being able to hold her thoughts in, she laughed out loud, shaking her head.

"What's so funny?" Tez said, turning his face up.

"Yo, how much more pathetic can you get? You really went through all this trouble to try to get some money that you could've been making on your own?" She wiped under her eye. "You look like a bitch ass nigga right now, dawg."

"Oh yeah?" Tez cocked his gun back, putting it back up to Vinchi's head.

Amara's laughter came to a stop, her eyes shifting from Tez to Vinchi.

"Why you stop laughing, Amara?" Tez asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Chill out." Amara whispered barely, feeling her breathing speed up.

"Nah, cause everything was so funny a few seconds ago, right?" Tez said, placing his finger on top of the trigger.

"Yo, chill the fuck out!" Cortez snatched Amara back to him as she tried to walk forward.

Malik's eyebrows furrowed when he noticed how freaked out Amara was getting.

"Okay, okay." Amara said as she huffed. "Let Nia, Kiara, Vinchi, Damien , and Kiara go, man. They don't have anything to do with this."

"Ehhh, nah." Tez shook his head. "I like watching people suffer."

"Wait." Everyone turned in the direction of whoever was talking.

Khalisè walked in the room with the other man's arms behind his back. Nobody knew who it was because he had a bag over his head.

"Good to see you've joined the party." Tez smirked, making Khalisè roll her eyes.

"Here." Khalisè pushed the guy to the ground, snatching the bag off his head. "Now stop the bullshit, dawg."

Tez raised his eyebrows with a light smile, looking in between Khalisè and the guy.

"Damn, Kevin. Long time no see."

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