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A/N: This is a Olivia Scott Welch x female reader, so, yeah, enjoy! Olivia is an actress and the reader is a sort of upcoming writer. ⚠️Trigger Warning: Hanging ⚠️

Y/n has always struggled with sleep, she never slept well and avoided taking naps throughout the day as much as she could so she didn't have to go through her nightmares that'd always scare her into waking up from her trance. And it wasn't just her that was panicking from these dreams...
Her girlfriend, Olivia, who lived with her now was starting to get worried for her. She'd always wake up to Y/n being wide awake, she'd always see how tired you were throughout the day and whenever she'd try and ask, Y/n would always shut it down and say that it was nothing. So, Olivia didn't know that it was nightmares that she was having, god no. Y/n didn't even want Olivia knowing in case she thought Y/n was a freak.

Y/n's Pov:
I feel super intense as I was in a dark corridor, I don't like where this is going.

I could feel my heartbeat racing and I look down to see my hands trembling as I try to calm myself down by moving my hand into a fist taking a huge breath then releasing slowly and when I open my eyes to see if my hands had stopped shaking, I release my right hand from the fist as it was still shaking. I try stopping it, but nothing. Nothing could stop it from shaking. I hear a noise of someone running near me, my head shoots up and I glance around my surroundings seeing nothing as I feel a shiver down my spine.

"Y/n..." I hear in a whisper as if it was a doll, my heartbeat picks up as I turn back around seeing a door to a classroom open slightly. I take small steps toward the door as my breathing was getting heavier and my chest felt tighter.

Olivia's POV:
I managed to get off early from work, I mean I had to stay on later but I managed to wrap up the night pretty quickly; I'm working on a movie, Fear Street, I honestly don't think there is a better cast, especially one that gets along so well. I park in my garage and lock the car, I head inside seeing food and a blown out candle on the coffee table. 'Oh shit! I was supposed to have a date with Y/n!' I mentally slap myself, oh I feel awful! I hope she's not mad at me.

"Y/n? Where are you?" I call out quietly in case she is sleeping. I check the kitchen, nothing. There was no one in the living room, I decide to eat the food that she had made before I go see if she's upstairs as she's most likely sleeping.

Y/n's POV:

"Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok..." I whisper to myself as I continue to walk toward the door. I slowly open it seeing something move from one side of the room, to the other. My eyes try follow but I could not see whatever had moved anymore. "O-Olivia...?" I ask confused as I try move toward the door that spontaneously shows up in the middle of the room. "Ok, that is not normal... probably just... part of the script..." I whisper to myself in a tone of sarcasm as it was technically my only defence against anything. I slowly place my shaky hand on the doorknob and start opening the door, I walk through and open my eyes to see myself asleep, I gasp as I sat up holding my chest,

"Y/n?" Olivia asks me as she places a hand on my back rubbing it in a comforting way. I turn to her as I try calm down my breathing, "Hey, it's okay. I've got you." Olivia whispers to me as she smiles at me widely. I give her a thankful look and look down as I continue to control my breathing until I realise something that sparks my curiosity. My face furrows slightly,

"Wa-wait... O-Olivia? What're you doing here?" I ask her confused. Olivia gives me a confused look as if she had no idea what I was talking about. "You're supposed to be at work." I tell her in a questioning tone, she simply stares at me not saying anything.

Olivia's POV:
I finish the food in under 5 minutes as the spaghetti and meatballs was really delicious, and something that I could eat for days on end. Y/n truly was a good cook, I grab the plate and I take it to the sink, I wash the dishes and clean the plate then dry it off then put the dishes away. I try my best to stay quiet as I didn't want to wake Y/n up in case she was fast asleep. Once I was done, I dry my hands and head upstairs. Once I got to the top, I look down the corridor seeing that the door was slightly open; Y/n loves true-crime and often watches documentaries or anything about crime as she obsessed with it. Since she's also into reading, she likes to read about crime and novels/books based in like early so 1900's and if she has enough inspiration, she'd write her own sort of novel of crime based in those days. They were always amazing to read, I wish she'd publish them or reach out to some companies to get them planning something as they truly are something that I'd love to act in. It wasn't until I had taken a step when I heard mumbling, 'Is she awake?' I think to myself as I realise she's watching a true-crime story on an old detective who was talking about cases that he had conquered in his years as a detective. I have to admit, they were pretty interesting, but it's also hot watching the girl I love watch courtTV or CrimeInvestigation and complain about what the people are doing wrong, especially when she watches CourtTV, now that... is something I could watch her do for the rest of my life.

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