"...accidents happen."

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Deena x Sam.



Deena was sitting in the lunch hall waiting for Simon to come back as he had left bag in Maths which was hard for Kate and Deena to convince him to go get it back as he was very reluctant on going back since he didn't have the best relationship with his teacher as the teacher was quite rude to Simon since he was a much more 'write it down and continue to read it to learn it' but the teachers were more just 'as soon as I say this, it better fucking stay in your brain'.

So, as he was finally convinced by Kate as she bribed him and promised him food from his favourite fast-food place in return if he went and got his bag.

"So, what're you plans for after school?" Kate asked taking a bite out of the horrible chips that the school sold. Deena shrugged.

"I don't know, all I know is that Simon wants a ride home after school, so, I'm gonna drive him home and I told Josh, so, he's just gonna walk home. Uhm... but apart from that, I don't know. How come?" She questioned.

"I was wondering if you could stay after school? I set up another cheer practise 'cause all of them is so shit. Like my throat is hurting and they never get anything right. Apart from Sam! Like she's the only good cheerleader, the rest don't even listen. They honestly don't deserve the uniform or to even be on the team." Kate ranted with much hatred in her tone which made Deena laugh slightly,

"Okay, okay. Sure, why not. But if you hate all of them so much, why keep them on?" Deena questioned which Kate scoffed at as if she had asked the dumbest question.

"We're halfway through the football games, if we lose the team now, the football team won't have anyone to cheer for them which will alert the school's staff and we just won't play any games at all." Kate explained as if Deena was dumb; Deena reluctantly nodded her head.

"Okay... but we never win." Deena stated.

"I know." Kate snapped back which made Deena shove her arms into the air slightly, just above her head as if she was being arrested. 

"Alright, sorry." Deena chuckled out seeing Simon walk toward the two, a small pout on his face, arms crossed as he walked over shaking his head. He sat down beside Kate and huffed chucking his bag on the table and pushed it away landing on the chair next to Deena. He leaned back in the chair continuing to shake his head.

"Aww, what's got your pants in a twist?" Kate asked pouting as she patted his head, which Simon hit away, Kate and Deena turn to each other chuckling.

"He's a dickhead! You owe me fries, a burger and a milkshake." Simon huffed out throwing a tantrum.

"Okay, okay. I will, don't you worry Mr Grumpy." Kate said as she tapped his nose, pouting her face which made Deena laugh even harder.

"Stop it, I'm not a kid!" He complained as he crossed his arms leaning his face in front of Kate's sticking his tongue out then leaning back down.

"Yeah, okay, Si-Si, whatever you say, buddy." Kate laughed out patting his upper arm. 

"Okay, okay. So, Simon. Kate wants me to stay after school as she has cheer practise. You joining us or what?" Deena asked which Simon nodded his head too.

"I suppose..." He muttered.

"Okay, good. Let's go. I want to go to the band room, I've gotta practise a new song that Mr Laurence recommended for me to try." Deena said which the two got up, Simon almost leaving his bag again till after Kate dumped her stuff, she noticed he didn't have his bag. He groaned.

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