Football Fight + IMPORTANT A/N

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A/N: Olivia x Reader

Backstory: Y/n plays in a 1v1 for Football for fun against of her best friend's new friends, Olivia decides to come and watch but by the time she arrives, a fight has broken out.

Also this is really shit but! Next post will be the LAST post ever that I post of this book as it is honestly so hard to think of ideas that I haven't already done and it's getting to the point where I'm struggling to come up with ideas and when I do, I simply just feel to exhausted to write them. I'm really sorry, I love each and every one of you so much for the continuous support. It is honestly amazing how much you guys have supported me,

Y'all have been so loving and it's so patient with me and really helped me through the last few months. I hope we can all have fond memories of this book but yeah! 

Enough of the sappy sh*t! Let's get on with it!

I love you all!




Y/n had gotten ready and placed a kiss on Olivia's cheek which made her smile,

"I gotta go, I'll see you soon though. Yeah?" Y/n hoped to which Olivia nodded her head, giving her a smile which made Y/n smile. "Perfect."

"Have fun." Olivia wished, Y/n hummed and headed out, locking the door behind her. She got into her car and began to drive to where her, her best friend, Sarah, and her new friend who was most likely going to be her girlfriend soon, Billie. 

Y/n wasn't the biggest fan of Billie but hey-ho, she didn't get to have a say as it didn't concern her. But that didn't stop her from disliking Billie and sharing her dislike with Billie to Sarah who simply told her to give her a try hence why she's going out to play football with the two.


(When Y/n arrives)

Y/n arrived at the field and grabbed her stuff after she got out, she shut the door behind her and locked her car before walking toward the field to see the Sarah and Billie throwing the football to one another,

"Hey, losers." Y/n exclaimed, which gained both of their attention, Sarah smiling but Billie eyeing her down.

"Ayy, you made it!" Sarah exclaimed as she ran over and jumped into Y/n's arms who caught her and spun around with a wide smile on her face,

"Sarah, how you doing lover girl?" Y/n asked as she set her down, the two smiling at one another, Sarah having her hands still on Y/n's shoulder as Y/n had her hands still on Sarah's waist.

"Oh, I'm always okay! How are you?! Miss famous!" Sarah exclaimed as Y/n rolled her eyes with a wide smile on her face,

"Oh, shut up you." Y/n giggled out. "Busy as ever but I'm glad I'm home! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever, you look amazing!" Y/n exclaimed as she moved back a little further, her hands still on her waist and smiled as she took a good look at Sarah who spun around; Y/n moved her hands to her side and smiled. "True work of art, you are! Billie, have you been taking good care of her?"

"Yes." She bitterly said, moving the football from hand-to-hand. Y/n and Sarah turned to each other, Sarah giving her an apology smile to which Y/n quietly whispered to her:

"It's okay. I'm not gonna let her ruin our day." Y/n hummed out to which Sarah smiled widely at. The two hugged but was interrupted by Billie clearing her throat,

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