In trouble

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A/N: Deena x Sam

Deena had to protect Sam, they had been caught kissing and Deena's arch enemy, Peter saw them and continuously threatened her saying that if she ever disagreed on anything Peter wanted her to do,

of course Sam was oblivious to any of this yet she had an intense argument with her parents and wanted to get out of the house, so, she jumped out her window and made her way to Deena's house as she wanted to burst into tears in the arms of her loving girlfriend.

She knocked on Deena's door to Josh which surprised Sam but she didn't want to make it look like she was shocked.

"O-Oh... hey, Josh. Is Deena home?" Sam asked her, Josh looked at her confused. "What?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowing.

"N-Nothing... just... she left 20 minutes ago, but she told me she was going to see you." Josh explained to her, Sam stared him down completely blown away, forgetting about the argument she had just had.

"Wh-What? Did she say how long she'd be?" Sam question and Josh shook his head,

"Come in though, come in." Josh offered and moved out the way, Sam went in and Josh closed the door behind her. "Can I get you anything?" He asked but Sam shook her head.

"N-No, I'm good. Thanks." Sam denied.

*Two hours later*

Sam was lying down on Deena's bed when she saw in the bottom of her eye; the door opened. She shot up and crossed her arms staring Deena down. Deena turned to her with bruises all over her face, she looked sweaty and she simply looked like a mess.

"It's midnight! Where the hell have you been?" Sam asked worriedly which made Deena turn around,

"S-Sam? What're you- what're you doing here?" Deena asked as she slammed the door shut and looked out the window but Sam moved her toward her stopping her from looking.

"Blood? How come you're bleeding?" Sam asked and looked deep into her eyes worriedly. Deena stared her down, she struggled to let the words fall out of her mouth that she had fallen into a trap.

"I-It's nothing-"

"It's not nothing when you're bleeding! Deena, what happened?" Sam repeated again, yet Deena didn't answer. She didn't say a thing. "Deena! What the fuck happened-?"

"Nothing! I just-" She stopped and let out a small sigh, her shoulders falling. "I just needed to do something-"

"Something?!" Sam reiterated loudly, almost letting out a small scoff. "Deena, let me take care of you." She softly told her, "Let me help you." Sam pleaded with her and Deena fell into her arms, Sam grabbed her and fell down onto her knees with Deena as she let everything out.

She cried for hours on end as Sam held her and rubbed her back, she placed a few kisses here and there, some on her cheeks; some on her lips, some on her shoulder and some on her back.

Once Deena calmed down, she was shaken in her lovers arms and Deena tried to stop shaking but she couldn't help it, she had been so shaken up with everything and holding everything, her knees felt so weak as it was like she had the whole world's weight on her shoulders. But her knees buckled every time.

"I-I tried... e-everything." Deena finally let out, Sam rubbed her back.

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" Sam questioned.

"And have me and Josh drown in Hospital Bills? I can't. I-I can't do that to us." Deena rushed out, Sam shook her head.

"It's okay, I've got you. Come lie down on the bed." Sam encouraged helping Deena up, she took her to the bed and helped take her t-shirt off and started to look at the bruises, she traced her fingers over the bruises causing Deena to let out cries of pain, Sam hushes her quietly giving her head scratches while staring uncomfortably at the scars, "Hey, it'll be okay. I got you." Sam told Deena, she placed a kiss on her cheek then got up and grabbed some cream while she ordered Josh to get water and pain killers for Deena. He came in setting them down and hold her hand as Sam delicately placed the cream on every small or large bruise. Deena cried and cried, screaming for Sam to stop. It got to the point where a next door neighbour asked what was going on and if everything was okay.

But Josh would explain very quickly what's going on and shut the door to go back and help Deena.

Once they were done, Deena let go of Josh's hands and tried to calm her breathing down as Sam was whispering how brave her girl was.

"That's my girl, you did so good." Sam assured as she got off of the bed and helped Deena lie more comfortably. Josh left and Sam laid next to her at the wall, Deena turned her head to Sam and placed herself right next to Sam, having her leg and arm over her. Sam moved Deena on top of her and had her hands on Deena's lower back, as she stroked her lower back lightly, sending shivers down her spine. "Goodnight." Sam whispered to her.

"Goodnight." Deena whispered and placed a kiss on Sam's lips.


A/N: Might be posting again but it'll be a short one! See y'all in the next chapter

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