Sleeping Over

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A/N: Deena x Sam, LETS DO IT!


Deena was simply bored out of her mind as she didn't know what to do, she had listened to music, played the drums for hours yet still couldn't figure something what made her so bored until she decided that she'd go see one of her friends and decided that instead of her friends, she'd decide that it best if she went and saw her girlfriend, Sam.

So, she forced herself up and out of bed, put her shoes on and decided that she'd go downstairs into her brother's basement to say that she was going over to Sam's. She went down to see him covered underneath a blanket and the computer was covered, Deena groaned at this and pulled it off which startled him, he turned around and groaned in annoyance loudly.

"Why would you do--"

"I'm going over to Sam's, I might stay the night. Here." Deena handed him 10 dollars, "Order pizza, I haven't heard you eat in a while." Deena said to him then left, she grabbed her keys, took her dad's car and drove her way over to Sam's house. She was bored out of her mind and needed some assistance to fulfill her boredom.


Deena arrived at Sam's house but parked around the corner, she got out, closing the door behind her, she pointed the key at the car tapping the lock button, once it clicked she made sure it was lock then put it in her pocket. She walked around to the corner seeing Sam's house, her mother seated down on the couch watching TV, she took a small sip of what looked like Wine. So, she ignored it and went around the back, she climbed herself up onto the small roof that Sam had and lightly tapped on the window. It gained Sam's attention for a second but since it had stopped, she didn't dare look back and focused her attention back on the movie that was playing.

Deena huffed at this and tried to open the window but it was locked, she groaned at this and tapped the window again which gained Sam's attention once again. She saw Deena and grinned at this action, she wasn't expecting anyone over but now that Deena had shown herself, Sam realised that it'd make her night a lot better if she did have company. So, she pushed herself up and out of bed while Deena watched Sam's every move impatiently as she just wanted to talk to Sam all not about god knows what. She just liked hearing her talk. 

As soon as she did open the door though, Deena was eager to get in but Sam stopped her placing her hands on her chest. Deena sighed at this and sat herself down.

"I need a reason on why you're trying to get me in more trouble." Sam smiled which made Deena smile widely, her heart beating faster slightly, she glanced at her hands then back at Sam, glancing between her beautiful and intriguing blue eyes. 

"Do I need to have a reason?" Deena asked as she slightly tilted her head, a sarcastic smile on her face, Sam nodded her head almost immiedately.

"Yeah." Sam answered truthfully, which made Deena laugh at this action quietly.

"Fine. I'm bored out of my mind and I've tried everything, so, can I come in?" Deena questioned, a small grin formed on Sam's face, she let out a sigh and moved Deena back. She closed the window and sat herself next to her,

"Stargaze?" Sam questioned as she looked up at the stars, Deena hummed in delight as they both laid down on the roof, there was a few stars here and there but it wasn't that special as in Shadyside, it sort of always felt depressingly, like it was never sunny, it just seemed cloudy all the time. 

The cold breeze popped in and out throughout their time and although not a word was spoken, Deena still felt happy to be next to Sam which brought a smile to her face, Sam noticed this smile and turned to her; she was confused at first but when she saw Deena turn to her, slightly biting her lip. It made Sam blush. 

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