"No... I don't wanna go."

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A/N: Deena x Reader! 

⚠TW⚠: Gun, violence, self-harm, attempt suicide, death, abuse, (physical and substance) mentions of eating disorder's.

If any of these trigger you, I am warning you and I'm sorry for another sad chapter, so, if you're already upset... well... then, uhm... I-I don't know what you want me to do about that. Sorry! ANYWAY! LET'S DO THIS!

Maybe prepare tissues unless my writing just gets shit and you all are like: 'The fuck is this?' y'know?




Y/n L/n, a girl with much struggle and much pain found love. A love that she hadn't expected to be able to find, especially in a town like Shadyside where it would barely even be sunny. That was Sunnyvale's job, hence the name. It always seemed so happy and shiny there, barely any clouds most days and on the days there was; there was always worse in Shadyside.

Most days, it was as if every person had a cloud over there head and there was a lot of people in Shadyside. Fighting to get out of there, the teens calling it their own 'turf', defending it against the Sunnyvaler's pranks, always trying to fight back but never being able to win as their cars would be too fast so they would take off with ease.

Y/n had been stressed out over school, so, she decided that she needed a day off. She was sat in the corner of her room, smoking, avoiding her dad as he was awake and didn't know that she was there. She was behind the desk and the side was covering her body so she was fine. She made sure that she could easily hide her cigarettes as well as her vape pens. She was simply waiting on him to come in which he would normally do to steal some money which she'd have to confide him in later on in the day.

She heard rushed footsteps and she chucked the cigarette out of the window and continued to hide, tucking herself into the desk more and more, her dad burst into the room searching for money yet when he turned to her desk. He saw her, they locked eyes for a moment.

"What're you doing here?" Frank spat at her, Y/n stood up; her back sliding up against the wall behind her, her putting her hands out hoping that they would protect her. 

"F-Frank, please—"

"NO! IN THIS HOUSE. IT'S DAD." Frank shouted at the girl, making her flinch and shakily move her hands closer to her chest,

"I-I know. I know... I just— I can't go to school..." She muttered,

"You can't decide that for yourself! You are too young! You're 14—"

"I'M FUCKING 18, DAD!" Y/n argued at him, slamming her hand on the desk as she didn't have a care in the world anymore, she was getting sick and tired of having to take steps back because of her dad. She had already been suspended 3 times because of him. Mostly him dropping her off and selling drugs to the kids for extra cash that Y/n would have to take the blame for... again and again. "I DO EVERYTHING IN THIS HOUSE!" Y/n added, she marched her way over to him, pushing him into the cupboard, the doors falling open and him falling inside, she grabbed him and held him against the wall, his head just briefly hanging underneath the window. His back was already bruised and he groaned when his back hit the wall for the second time. "I'm not scared of you anymore." Y/n spat at him, "You want to hit me? Be my fucking guest." Y/n continued onto say, holding his collars and staring him down. 

"You're spoilt." He breathed out. Both of them breathing heavily, "You're not my daughter." He said before he spat in her face, she flinched her head back and wiped her face then looked at him, she slapped him across the face and kicked him in his stomach; he groaned holding his stomach and then tackled her to the ground, the two starting to fight.

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