Skateboarding Accident

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A/N: Olivia x Reader. HERE. WE. GO! Also I think I might've seen something like this, not the exact same but like the brief idea of a skateboarding accident, so, uhm... shout-out to whoever did it, not taking credit for the brief idea. Uhm... yeah! Enjoy.


Y/n was slightly new to skateboarding, she had only been skateboarding for about 3 months yet she was a quick learner so she easily picked up on it, easily picked up on an ollie as well as a kickflip. She was in the process of learning how to go down into a bowl and skate around as she wasn't nervous but the thought of her falling always lingered in her mind yet she would always persevere. It was something that people admired about Y/n L/n. How she could face something head on not thinking about the worry or the aftermath later, well so people thought.

As she went to go she took a deep breath,

"You got this!" Fred cheered out,

"Yeah, go Y/n." Julia grinned out applauding her as it was super late at night and it was simply just Y/n and her friends; Fred Hechinger; Julia Rehwald, (A/N: Rest are OC characters) Dylan March and Hunter Cook.

"Yeah!" Hunter cheered out, his voice slightly breaking a little causing the group to laugh; Y/n snickered at this and then simply went for it ignoring everyone. The group didn't know she was going to go so it surprised them and a few 'Oh shit!' were let out, she managed to make it down successfully but when she went back up and turned 180 to land, something happened where she landed on her arm and heard a snap, she groaned as her body bashed against the ground and slid down further into the bowl. Her t-shirt slid up while she was tumbling and it created a huge scab and bruise around her right side from just underneath her boob to just above the hem of her jeans.

"SHIT!" Hunter and Dylan exclaimed as the two shot up and slid down the bowl and ran toward Y/n as Fred followed after and helped Julia into the bowl as she was a little scared to go down as well. They all rush over seeing Y/n on her side, knocked out, and her left arm looking... well... not like an arm should look like. They moved her to lying on her back and there was a bruise forming around her eye.

"What the fuck did we just do?" Fred exclaimed,

"Olivia's going to kill us!" Hunter exclaimed. The three all staring Y/n's passed out body down,

"Shit! That looks really bad! Olivia's going to murder us!" Dylan sighed out as his hands went into his hair stressed out as in his own words that he would always say: 'I'm too pretty to die'

"Ignore that! Come on, we have to help her to the car and take her to the hospital!" Julia shouted at the boys as she went to lift her up but since she didn't have much strength in her arms, they seemingly gave it almost making her fall but Fred and Dylan helped her gain her balance and not fall then start to help her out. They all take her and help her inside the car, Dylan and Hunter immediately moving on either side of her to make sure that her passed out and limp body didn't fall; Hunter went more careful as he was on the left side and didn't want to hurt her arm anymore than it looked. Fred got in the passenger's side and Julia was driving to the hospital.

"Who's calling her?" 

"NOT ME!" All of them shouted at once, "NOSE GOES!" They all say at the same time putting their index finger on their nose. As much as they wanted to help Y/n, sometimes they hate how close they are as none of them are scared to admit when they messed up or put Y/n in a bad situation to Olivia. 

Like three weeks ago:

*Flashback to 3 weeks ago*

Hunter and Dylan walked into Olivia and Y/n's house with Y/n's arm around each one of them as she was blacked out from being too drunk, even though Olivia wanted her home by midnight and not drunk to which was her only two rules yet the two boys managed to have a drink and that seemed to convince Y/n who just took shot-after-shot, drink-after-drink. 

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