Practicing Lines

726 17 4

A/N: Sam x Reader



Y/n hated school. It was a thing that she simply thought that she wasn't good at and simply wanted to make high school her own little show, she had quite the joking humour and made every class her sort of stage.

Yet the principle couldn't allow it anymore so, he gave her into the normal trouble,

"So, to make up for it—"

"I know, detention—"

"Actually... Ms L/n, I've decided to switch it up. You will no longer be doing detention, you will be signing up for an extra curricular and I expect you to take part and actually enjoy it. You will be playing the lead of the show this year." Principle Richard exposed, a devious grin tugging on his lips as his menacing stare turned a lot more... into an amused stare, which made Y/n shiver as he was quite the creepy man.

"Excuse me? I'm not a theatre nerd—"

"I don't care, Miss L/n, I want a message to become clear and I think that this will strictly allow it. Or would you like to be expelled for all that you've done here at Sunnyvale?" He asked staring her down, she sighed and looked down itching the back of her head. She scoffed at his question as he knew that she needed to stay there, but the way that they taught simply weren't the way that helped her.

"This is absurd! Sir, you can't let me be apart of that club, you know I'll—"

"Do well?" He interrupted, he nodded his head, his lip quivering slightly. "Trust me..." He hummed out, "I believe so too." He grinned out. He stood up sighing and buttoning his suit jacket. "Follow me," He said.

"You set me up! You asked me to come see you after school because—"

"Ah! Well done! Your finally putting using the brain that I was starting to lose faith in you having." He grinned out which made Y/n roll her eyes, she pushed herself up and followed behind him yet he got to suspicious even though she wasn't planning on rushing away. She jokingly tried it once but then she just stopped and got told to move in front of him. She got to a left and right. 

"What way we turning now?" She asked.

"Left. Down the hall, you know where the auditorium is." Principle Richard told her slightly nudging her forward, "Go on, you got this." 

"Aw, wow. Your trusting me to walk down a hallway. How kind." She sarcastically hummed out as she walked down the hallway, she opened the door then turned to Principle Richard. "Thanks Principle Dick, I'll see you around!" She chuckled out and rushed inside, she shut the door and walked down, everyone turning to her. "What?" She asked confused.

"What're you doing here?" Miss Hillburn asked.

"Got forced to be here."

"Your our new project?" Someone asked, all students muttering and murmuring. 

"Calm down, children. Give the girl a chance." Miss Hillburn stated which stopped all the mutter and murmurs. "So, your gonna be one of our lead, huh?"

"One of them? Who am I working with?" She asked.

"Me." Samantha stated as she stood up, Y/n turned to her and sighed. 

"Great." She mumbled. 

(Skip to when they practise lines in front of everyone)

Y/n and Sam go up on the stage holding their script and they both take deep inhales, they stare into one another's eyes.

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