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A/N: Olivia Scott Welch x Reader, background: both actress' doing an interview for a movie that you're dating in (Fear Street, sorry Kiana) and you two are "friends" irl, ENJOY!


Y/n's POV:

I'm getting ready for an interview with Olivia and we're going on James Corden, we're in seperate dressing rooms but my manager said she was on her way over as I got told that she was nervous. I hope she's alright, I don't want her stressing out, I'll be right there beside her. We want to keep whatever we have going on private. I hear a knock on my dressing room door and my manager, Shawn, opens the door.

"Ah, Olivia, come in, come in." Shawn welcomes with a grin on his face, Olivia smiles at him,

"Hey, Shawn. Can I come in?" Olivia asks nicely, I was putting my jacket on, I'm wearing Black jeans, black and white high-top vans, a white t-shirt and a black denim jacket as it was simple. 

"Yeah, of course." Shawn moves out the way and he riles everyone up telling them to go outside to give me and Olivia alone time, he closes the door and Olivia's smile immediately drops. I go over giving her a hug and she clings onto me,

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her in a soft tone, she lets out a small yet stressful sigh,

"I'm nervous." Olivia whispers in my ear, I give her waist a small squeeze pulling her closer before pulling away,

"You look amazing, okay? I mean it. I mean you don't even have to try, you're always amazing. And this? This is just first of many, I assure you. It'll get easier." I try to assure her but she lets out another stressful sigh and clings onto me; I rub her back and we stay like that for a good 15 minutes till we both got called out. I kiss her cheek giving her a smile. "I'll be right next to you okay?" I tell her, she nods her head and let out a shaky breath, we head out and get mic's attatched to us. Shawn and Olivia's manager lead us to where we'd start to go out and sooner or later, I got called out, I give Olivia a quick kiss on the cheek and then walk out, I give a few waves, the smile and then shake James' hand. I take a seat on the couch and James turns back to the audience/ camera. He introduces Olivia and she comes out, I join in with the applause and smile as I watch her come out; as nervous as she looks, it's adorable. She shakes James' hand and then sits next to me, we both smile at each other and turn to James as he starts asking questions.

"So! How are you two feeling?" James asks us, I look at Olivia,

"You want to go first? Or me?" I ask her, she points at me.

"You can go." Olivia offers,

"Aw, thanks." I say placing my hand on my chest causing the audience to laugh, I smile, "Uh, yeah. I'm- I'm doing great. Happy to be here." I compliment,

"I'm happy you're here." James says as he points his hand at me and then moves it down on the desk. "And Olivia? How are you?" James asks with a grin,

"I'm doing... amazing." Olivia laughs out as she flashes her best smile, I put my arm around the back and Olivia leans into me slightly as I could tell that she was really nervous. James smiles glancing between us, 

"So, Y/n this is your first like... big movie, right?" James asks, I nod my head humming in delight.

"Uh, yeah, this is the first movie I've ever taken part in and... uhm, yeah." I scoff out glancing at Olivia just in case and she seems to be less stressed which I'm glad about, "I'm very excited for people to see it and I think it's something that people will enjoy." I explain with a grin on my face, I get another round of applause and then he goes back and forth.

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