"I'm a failure."

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A/N: Hannah x Sarah


I have no idea what I'm going to do if I'm honest, so, this will just be whatever. Sorry if it's not accurate.


Hannah Miller. An astounding girl with a charming and contagious smile. Something that can mislead to people assuming things about the girl that simply shocked her 'best friend' Sarah Fier - who in reality was undoubtedly Hannah's love interest -  as Sarah simply believed that Hannah should make her own decisions like whenever she wrote her small stories on paper that she would always excitedly show Sarah and Sarah would immediately grow excited and intrigued.

Hannah knocked on Sarah's door, wishing that she would open almost immediately which Sarah did. A smile tugged on her lips, she tilted her head to the right. 

"Hannah Miller," She hummed out, "what can I do for—?"

"I must ask you to follow me." Hannah cut off, Sarah glanced back to see her father distracted, she left and shut the door and the two walked toward the woods.

"Is everything alright?" Sarah questioned, side-glancing at her as she mostly focused on whatever was in front of her. Hannah took in a huge inhale as she tried her best to stay calm yet she simply let out a small sigh,

"I'm unsure on something, and I need your opinion on it." Hannah expressed,

"I see." Sarah agreed, "I'm wondering what it's about? Is it one of your stories or are we talking about a real life situation?" 


"Right." Sarah hummed out,

"I have this... idea. This sort of... imagination of a character I've created... and I want her to be intelligent and be... empowering. F-For other women. Yet I don't know a conversation that is deep enough to allow the embrace of her intelligence to show." Hannah expressed, trying not to make sound too complicated.

"Well of course, it must be marriage." Sarah said almost immediately, Hannah paused and stared at her.

"May I wonder what you mean?" 

"I'm saying... Hannah Miller that I simply believe that if I were to wed to a man, he expects an image of me to do everything. When he gets a job, the money is his of course but if I got a job. The money is not my own as I would be married. It'd go to the man. If I were to have kids, they would be his if anything were to happen and I would have to be away from the child or children I carried as well as created. Men had immediate respect in the world, Hannah, yet women are simply falling behind. The only thing we are apparently good for is being a support system and for their desirable pleasure. Even if we never consented too it." Sarah expressed as a smile formed wider and wider.

"You are truly amazing, Sarah Fier." Hannah grinned out, placing a kiss on her cheek before she walked ahead. Sarah paused for a moment, blush creeping onto her cheeks. 


(Days later)

Hannah was simply alone so she had invited Sarah over as her mother wasn't going to be back for hours. Sarah came in and shut the door, she walked into Hannah's room to see her at her desk and snuck up behind her before moving her head hovering over Hannah's shoulder. She titled her head, mirroring Hannah's as she picked up on the words that Hannah was writing. 

"You are a true artist." Sarah hummed out, Hannah took in a huge inhale as she slowly turned to Sarah. When their eyes met, the two smiled, blush flooding to their cheeks almost immediately. 

"I'm a failure." Hannah sighed out, she rested her forehead on Sarah's and Sarah looked at her confused. She placed a kiss on her forehead before she leaned over and started to read it, Hannah lazily dragging her body and resting her head on Sarah's shoulder. Sarah went on her knees and continued to read intently. She stroked Hannah's hair in the process as Hannah stared her down intently, admiring all the features that Sarah had on her face. It simply made her feel happy whenever she was around Sarah. She always felt on top of everything whenever she was around.

"—Hannah Miller, you are never a failure." Sarah scoffed out as she glanced between her and her work, "It's amazing. What's so wrong with it?" 

Hannah sighed and got up, she faced away from Sarah which made her stand up, curious on what Hannah was doing.

"It's decent. Sure. But I feel like there is simply something... something wrong. Something missing," She expressed and quickly turned around to Sarah, "what's missing?" 

"Girls loving girls—"

"I'm serious, Sarah."

"I as well." Sarah giggled out, as she had her hand hovering over her chest. 

"Sarah." Hannah groaned out, her head moving up as she stared at the ceiling then it quickly fell back, her eyes focused on Sarah. "I'm a failure! And I need you."

"Alright, I'm sorry, Hannah. I simply believe you've created true art and I don't see anything wrong with it."

"I see multiple things that are wrong." Hannah sighed out,

"And what are they?" Sarah asked as she watched Hannah sit down on a chest that was at the end of her bed. Her eyes were focused on the floor then she looked up and over at Sarah as she was confused.


"What do you think is wrong with it?" Sarah reiterated. 

Hannah looked back down at the floor, her hands on her knees. She bit her lip as she tried to think,

"Don't think. Simply express and think later." Sarah instructed which made Hannah sigh,

"I don't think... I fully understand the downfalls on marriage."

"Lucky you, you have the mastermind behind the idea in the first place. There are loads." Sarah shrugged off as she sat herself down next to Hannah.

"Which are?" 

"Marriage is simply a proposition to let men have control of further population as IfI were to have kids, they would simply belong to his. Even though it would've bein my womb and I would've carry the child, it wouldn't be mines. If I earnedmoney, it wouldn't be mines, it would be my husbands." Sarah explained, thecolour on Hannah's face draining with each word that she had hung onto as she simply understood Sarah's belief a lot more clearer on weddings, "In reality they have muchmore control than a women shall ever have as they are highly more respected andtreated with much gratitude. Unlike women who are mostly told to stay at homeand cook, which is something I've yet to learn or find the effort to exactlywant to learn." Sarah expressed, Hannah admiring and listening as well as hanging onto every word.

"Thank you, Sarah." 

"Of course. Is there anything else?" 

"Yes." Hannah answered truthfully,

"What's up?"

"Why aren't you a writer?" Hannah hummed out, which made Sarah laugh.

"I may have a creative mind but that doesn't mean I'm a good word-smith." Sarah told her, "Plus," She sighed out before standing up, she kneeled down in front of Hannah, a hand on either side of her. "it's been your thing. Not mines." She whispered quietly before placing a kiss on Hannah's cheek. Hannah blushed massively at this and looked down. "I must go, I don't want your mother to know that I've been here and I certainly shan't want to distract you."

"Do you have to go?" Hannah complained making Sarah chuckle,

"I don't want your mother to catch us, Hannah."

"She won't be back for hours. I assure you." Hannah assured, a small grin on her face as when Sarah looked deeply and truly into her eyes, she saw the plead that Hannah had yet didn't know how to say it. So, she nodded her head and gave in.

"Okay, okay. I'll stay." Sarah chuckled out.


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