New girl surprise 2

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A/N: Part two!

Also forgot to say but Reader is G!P




The two felt like the whole world had stopped when their lips collided, Y/n had never felt this way about someone and she didn't want to have to share her with some stupid dickhead. She wanted Heather all to herself and it was hard for her not to punch the shit out of Bishop throughout the day, no matter how much she wanted too.

Heather also felt like she hadn't felt this way before and began to get addicted to the way that Y/n felt, her lips becoming like home to her and like a normal feeling since whenever she kissed Bishop... something felt off. However, Y/n was simply better at everything, she knew what to do but with Bishop, everything seemed awkward.

They both parted from the kiss, before quickly reconnecting only for Heather to pull away, biting her lip; the two opened their eyes and stared into one another's eyes intently. Y/n looked down at her lips before staring back into her eyes.

"Wow..." Heather breathed out which made Y/n chuckle, Heather hit her arm, "don't laugh at me."

"I will if I want too. What're you gonna do about it?" Y/n asked but quickly got over powered as Heather wrapped her legs around Y/n's waist and pulled her into a damaging and powerful kiss that would definitely leave a bruise or a cut on Y/n's lips which did but Heather didn't care, Y/n slowly moved back until she felt something hit her back, she parted away and glanced to see a stone wall, she flipped the two around, she grasped one hand and placed it delicately against the stone as she began to kiss her neck, her fingertips trailing along her stomach. Heather's breathing hitched as her hands roamed around her hair and neck. Y/n stood up fully and practically towered over Heather, they connected lips once more. Now moving behind the waterfall as there was a ledge big enough for the two to lie down on. Heather flipped the two around, straddling Y/n's waist and as Y/n went to lean up it was now Heather's turn to mark Y/n's neck which she did a fantastic job. However, she got more and more hesitant the lower she went, when it got to her chest; she continuously kissed above her heart. Y/n wrapped her hand around Heather's neck and moved her up to face her, now her straddling her waist as she flipped the two over. Y/n quickly removed her hand and trailed it down her body, "Now what am I gonna do with you?" Y/n chuckled out with a smile, Heather blushed at this but after one kiss, Heather slowed down and pulled away.

"I—I—I'm sorry..." Heather breathed out an apology as she looked down, she saw something in Y/n's swimming trunks and when they locked eyes, Heather didn't need an explanation on what it was when it was all in Y/n's eyes.

"S-Surprise..." She muttered quietly, Heather giggled.

"I feel bad now..." She breathed out.

"Don't. Honestly, I can tell that if we did continue, it'd be your first time—" Y/n felt Heather's hand slowly trail down to the waistband of her trunks. She looked at Heather confused, however before she could ask anything; Heather quickly attached her lips to Y/n's and moved her hand slowly down till she found what she was looking for, she hummed into the kiss as she slowly began to wrap her hand around her dick which made Y/n groan and pull away from the kiss but Heather shook her head,

"No, no, no..." She hummed out as she flipped the two around, her straddling her stomach as she slowly stroked her dick which Y/n was breathing heavily at. "eyes here." She said tapping her cheek since Y/n had her eyes forced shut, Y/n painfully opened her eyes and Heather hummed at this, she slowly began to move her hand up and down which caused a groan from Y/n as Heather watched and admired her.

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