New girl's surprise

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A/N: Heather x Reader!

Backstory: Y/n moves to Carp and one of the first people she becomes friends with and very quickly flirtatious with is Heather

Thank you so much for 31k! I love you all so much and I'm so thankful for all the support you have given me <3

Anyway! Here we go!


Heather was seated with her boyfriend and the two were simply happy and making out, they were sort've the 'it' couple of carp and although Bishop was head over heels for Heather; the feelings weren't mutual one bit. Every kiss to her seemed off... and not right. However, she didn't have the heart to break up with him, so, she kept quiet.

Most eyes were on them, well key word: were. The doors opened and a girl walked in that nobody had ever seen before, she was wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt with a blue/green flannel and black shoes. She looked attractive and of course, people immediately tried to befriend her. Heather could already tell that her popularity didn't matter anymore as she arrived but the girl seemed more uncomfortable at all the attention so Heather got up quickly and walked over to her.

"Hi." Heather greeted and the unknown girl turned to her and looked at her with pleading eyes, Heather nodded her head. "Um, is it okay if you all leave? I need to talk to new girl." Heather expressed and everyone but this one girl stayed and stared Heather down.

"What if she doesn't want me to—?"

"I said go, Harriet. I mean it." Heather told her with her soft-spoken voice that made the girl smile lightly, 'She has a pretty smile.' Harriet rolled her eyes and walked of. The two turned to one another, the girl sighed in relief.

"My saviour." The girl joked which made Heather laugh,

"I'm Heather. Heather Nill." Heather introduced herself as she put her hand, the girl took her hand and shook it.

"Y/n. Y/n L/n." Y/n introduced herself, plastering on a charming smile that Heather couldn't help but blush slightly at, "And you're names really pretty..." Y/n complimented, she hummed out: "Heather... Mm, I like it." Y/n grinned out which made Heather's eyes widen slightly,

"R—Really? I—I don't really like my name." Heather stuttered out as she let out a small scoff, Y/n looked at her surprised and entangled their hands together.

"Well it's a lovely name, anyone you are dating seems lucky to have you—"

"Yeah, and that's me." Bishop said as he hit her hand away, their hands no longer entangled as he placed his arm around Heather. Heather uncomfortably shifted which made his arm fall off, he went to put it back but Y/n interrupted.

"And I was saying that you are lucky to have her. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go find maths." Y/n informed the two before she shoved past the two,

"I have it next, let me take you." Heather offered as she jogged a little and caught up with her, Heather showing her where maths was which Y/n thanked her for.


(During maths)

The teacher left and most people turned around to their friends, Heather doing that but instead of turning to her cheer leading friends; she looked over at Y/n who was still doing the work, Heather walked over and sat next to her.

"Hey, newbie. How's it going?" Heather chuckled out, Y/n looked up at her and immediately smiled which made Heather's stomach do flips.

"Newbie?" Y/n remarked, "Seriously?" She chuckled out.

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