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A/N: This is a Moe Truax x Heather Nill one-shot, I haven't seen this done on Wattpad but I have seen it on TikTok and if there is a one-shot of these two or just anything of these two, then sorry for saying I'm the first, shout out to whoever. ENJOY! 


Moe Truax was definitely care-free and always did whatever she could do to not follow the rules, especially when it comes to school and homework. That was an immediate no for her, always missed out on it and decided that she'd never do it. Her two friends Tabitha Foster and Elodie Davis has been helping her with going to meetings, as Heather Nill had started to make more of an appearence in her life with her friends; Natalie Williams and Bishop Moore. They all became one big group with one another as it was quite the enjoyable group in the town of Carp, Texas. 

It was quite hard for Tabitha, Elodie and Moe as they were quite the stealers in town, which made it Bishop, Natalie and Heather's job to help them out and stop them as well as try to help them as much as she could as Tabitha, Elodie and Moe would mostly find an excuse to miss out on their SA meetings.

Moe woke up groaning as she felt the sun blinding her, she covers her face going to turn around on the couch until she feels a pair of soft and delicate arms stop her.

"Moe. Come on, you have to get up." Heather whispered to her quietly, Moe groaned and shook her head waving her hand away,

"Toilet's upstairs." Moe muttered out as she let out a small sigh quickly falling back asleep, Heather let out a small grunt in annoyance turning around seeing her friends.

"Well... what're you waiting for? Wake her back up." Tabitha told Heather trying to encourage her from a distance, Heather sighed and turned back to Moe shaking her awake.

"Hey, get up." Heather told her causing her to groan,

"I still feel the sun blinding me, Heather." Moe complained as she pulled the blanket further up and over her eyes as she wasn't in the mood for hearing them all complain about her drinking too much. 

"I'm not closing it, come on. We gotta get up." Heather encouraged but Moe shook her head and waved them all away,

"Yeah, no, I don't know if you notice but I'm not into that bullshit." Moe fired at the group, Tabitha walked over and pulled the blanket off, Moe sat herself up looking at her in protest, "What the hell! I was just getting--"

"In the car? I know." Tabitha told her moving her bag in front of Moe's face, she looked at everyone seeing the sorrow face and groaned, she grabbed the bag and budged through Heather and Tabitha, she forced the door open letting Elodie, Natalie and Bishop go first. She headed out the house after them. "You just gotta be less delicate with her. She just needs a push." Tabitha explained to Heather before walking out to the car, as they were going in seperate ones. Moe; Elodie and Tabitha in one, Heather; Bishop and Natalie in the other. 

Bishop was driving as Heather was in the passenger side and Natalie was in the middle at the back, Natalie glanced between the two as she was waiting for one of them to speak,

"Oh my god, can one of you two say something?" Natalie asked the two as she glanced between them leaning back after. Heather looked at Bishop glancing at him then glancing at Natalie facing ahead after.

"Well what am I supposed to say? Moe's really struggling right now but she isn't saying anything, what're we supposed to do?" Heather asked her as she let out a stressful sigh,

"Are we sure we should even be hanging out with them? They're pretty... f-fucked up." Bishop suggested causing a scoff from Heather,

"You really want to act like that? I mean come on, Bishop, we're helping--"

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