"Singer girl?"

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A/N: Here is the Heather x Reader version of it!

deppresedgayy this is for you!

*Start at 1:20, please and thanks*



Heather arrived at Y/n's house like she had promised and shut the door over and heard music playing, she quite liked the song but what she liked even more about it, was that she heard her beautiful girl singing,

"Baby I don't know if I'd be better living on my own. I've been blaming Father Time for keeping both of us away from home, Tiny little notes and pictures of you hanging on my wall. I could sit and stare at them til they fall. Waiting for some time to give you a call." She sung beautifully which brought a smile to her face, Heather tried to figure out where the music was coming from, so, she glanced into the living room not seeing anyone,

"Whoa, time again I pretend, I will see your face when I open my eyes." She sung and when she turned around, she tensed her whole body and froze to see Heather smiling at her widely, she cleared her throat and looked at the croissant she held in her hand. "W-Want one?" She asked shyly, Heather shook her head with a huge smile,


"Oh.... cool." Y/n mumbled, she took a bite and looked at the door confused, Heather looked at the door then back at her but when she looked back; she saw Y/n running off into the living room, Heather laughed at this and walked after her, 

"No, come back! I need to talk to you about something!" Heather exclaimed as she tried to reach for her girlfriend's hand but Y/n leaned her back forward and slightly jumped forward. Heather laughed at this and managed to wrap one arm around her waist; she pulled her back and turned her to face her. "Well hello." She teased, Y/n covered her eyes.

"Hey, pretty girl. You doing okay?"

"I'd be much better if you would remove you hand from your eyes."

"You see, I would do that..." Y/n hummed out, before she shrugged. "B-But I can't." Y/n chuckled out nervously, 

"Why not?"

"Well there's this thing called 'Embarrassment' and I am having that. I am embarrassed." Y/n expressed to Heather which made her giggle,

"Ah, I see."

"Yeah." Y/n scoffed out, "Yeah, so, like, um. No eyes for you. Sorry." She sarcastically scoffed out, Heather just laughed and moved her index and middle finger apart as she could see Y/n's perfect e/c. 

"You look so pretty." Heather complimented, "And sang so beautifully."

"No!" She groaned out and looked up at the ceiling, shaking her head, "Are you up there? Can you take me now?"

"No!" Heather laughed out,

"What? Why not?" Y/n asked, still staring up at the ceiling; Heather placed her hand on Y/n's neck and made her look down as she pulled her in for a passionate however quite forceful kiss. With Y/n's brain completely turned off and shocked, Heather helped her and grabbed both of her hands moving them around her waist as Y/n finally woke up from a daydream and her thoughts as she was internally freaking out. She pulled her close and kissed back, tilting her head to deepen the kiss which made a smile form on Heather's lips.

The two slowly parted from the kiss before Y/n placed a kiss on her cheek then her neck and picked her up. 

"WHOA! Y/N!" She exclaimed letting out a small giggle, Y/n laughed at this and started to swing her from side-to-side.

"I feel like you deserve this." Y/n chuckled out,

"Noo! Please, I swear. I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" Y/n reiterated.

"Yeah!" Heather exclaimed, "Just put me down!" She squealed out,

"How about the pool? You want to fall into the pool?" Y/n asked in a genuine tone when in reality, she was trying her hardest not to laugh nor smile.

"You do that and your single!" Heather exclaimed which made Y/n gasp out of sarcasm.

"Well that is no way to talk to your girlfriend who loves you oh so much." She said as she swayed her backwards then as she moved forward, chucked her onto the couch that was literally a couple of inches behind her; she landed on the couch and laughed, as Y/n rushed over; Heather quickly picked up a pillow.

"No! No! No!" She exclaimed as she continuously hit Y/n with a pillow while Y/n was blocking the hits and tickling Heather which just made her giggle, making the hits from the pillow off centre and no longer hit her. Y/n stopped and grabbed the pillow, "NO." She exclaimed as she covered herself but Y/n dropped the pillow onto the floor and leaned down, she hovered her lips over Heather's,

"I'm not gonna hit you." Y/n whispered to her with a small smile, Heather removed one finger from covering her eyes and saw that she didn't have the pillow in her hands. She sighed in relief and removed her hand.

"Phew, thank god." She joked which made Y/n chuckle,


"Am not! You started it!"

"Me?!" Y/n asked, being fake surprised. "I did no such thing." She added which made Heather giggle,

"Yes, you did! To make it up to me, you should sing a song," Heather suggested with a huge smile on her face, "Singer girl?" She added with a small smirk,

"Well I was going too! But you ruined it for yourself with that comment." Y/n chuckled out before she placed a kiss on her forehead and got up to head back into the kitchen, she felt Heather jump onto her back like she was a koala. Y/n laughed and held her as she continued to walk into the kitchen; she spun around letting out a small, "Wee!" She exclaimed like she was a kid going down on a slide, (AHAHA going down *insert f boy pose*) Heather laughed at this and rested her head on Y/n's shoulder, Y/n turned her head to her and placed a kiss on her cheek as she continued to search for food like before.


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