Class Debate

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A/N: Heather x Reader. HERE. WE. GO! I hope y'all like this one, cause I do


Heather was finished high school and managed to finally have her dream of being able to leave Carp, Texas. It almost felt as if she was gone in seconds. Literally... she left two days later after she graduated as she wanted nothing than to leave Carp as well as her annoying ass mother.

She was hurtful and always made Heather feel like she was less of a person and didn't deserve any rights, yet she deserved all the rights in the world. Especially after everything she had been put through for the last 18 years. So, she headed off to a near-ish college, it was about a 2 hour drive and even though it was still in Texas, she was completely fine with it.

As long as it was away from the shitty and repetitive days of Carp.

It was her first day of University and she was waited outside of her class until she saw another person stand next to her, she could recognise her but at the same time; she seemed unrecognisable.

"If your just going to stare at me, you may as well start a conversation." The girl pointed out, Heather looked down.

"S-Sorry..." Heather apologised in a mutter. The girl chuckled.

"I don't mind, love. I'm used to it—"

"Don't call me that—"

"It doesn't seem like you've got any friends though, you seem lonely." The girl pointed out, a cheesy smirk on her face. Heather groaned.

"And looks like I already hate someone. I seem to be having a real treat here." Heather fired back.

"Come on, you'll have a lot more fun here once you loosen up and go to a party." She said before moving toward the door.

"Doors locked—" Heather started but before she could answer, the girl pick-locked it and opened the door.

"Mhmm, I don't think so anymore." She said raising her eyebrows in a teasing manor and walking inside, climbing atop of one desk and running up to the very top.

"Childish of you to be doing that." Heather pointed out which made the girl sigh.

"Honey, this is my second year of being in this shit-hole. I think I know what's childish and plus, is the lecturer here? No. Will I get told off? No. Why? Because he's not here." The girl protested as she jumped from one table after answering each of her own questions.

"So, let me guess. Class clown?" Heather fired at her, the girl laughed.

"Something like that." She said as she smoothly got down and jumped over a chair to move in front of Heather. "Why? You liking the class clown?" She teasingly smirked out. Heather rolled her eyes.

"More loathing her."

"Loathe is a strong word, don't you think?" She questioned.

"With what I'm thinking, I'd say it's the least of your worries." Heather said before patting her shoulder and walking off to a chair. The girl hummed and followed behind her and sat behind her. "You don't have to sit near me." Heather let out before opening her book and pulling out a notebook.

"Well... Heather Nill..." She sighed out as she stood up and kneeled down pressing her arms on the chair to the right of Heather and rested her head on her arms. "someone's gotta protect a freshman. So, I'm picking you." She said tapping her nose which made Heather roll her eyes and hit her hand away. "Feisty. I like it." She chuckled out.

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