Times Ticking + Aftermath

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A/N: Heather x Reader. HERE. WE. GO.


Y/n was nothing like her brother, Dodge, and it seemed to be that she was always judged because of her older twin brother and little sister.

She was especially judged by Heather; Natalie and Bishop as they simply assumed that she was just like Ray from how she seemingly acted childish, even though they didn't hang out. The only time you'd spot Y/n and Dodge spending time together is if their working out yet not a word would be said to one another.

Everyone that managed to make it to the third r were at a challenge together as Diggins and Summer explain the challenge, Y/n wasn't listening of course as she was messing around and looking around on where she was headed. 

Once they finished explaining, Y/n was stood with Dodge and Natalie and Heather were supposed to be with Dodge and Y/n was just going to tag along. So, they meet up in the middle of the now disbanded circle.

"Well, well, well. Miss Mason herself." Natalie hummed out, Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Try not to finish in your pants." Y/n dismissed, side-glancing at her before looking down.

"How 'bout we just get going, huh?" Dodge said which made them all start heading in the same direction, it being Natalie and Dodge then Heather behind the two with Y/n simply trailing behind her. Heather kept stopping and glancing behind to see Y/n looking at the ground. That was until Y/n moved next to Heather and started walking with her.

"You okay? You seem to keep staring at me as if I've done something." Y/n pointed out. Heather shook her head,

"No." She answered lightly shaking her head as she ducked her head underneath the overgrown crops. "Simply just..." She went to move underneath one but Y/n moved it up for her, giving her a sarcastic smile once Heather turned to her. "never mind."

"If you've got something to say, please just say it." Y/n stated. Heather let out a small breath and nodded her head.

"And I will. I'm not that afraid." Heather sighed out, Y/n chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, well you seem to be." Y/n chuckled out before walking ahead and stepping over something, she turned around and offered a hand; Heather looked at her hand then at her. "What? You scared to take my hand?" She questioned. Heather rolled her eyes and placed her hand in hers, Y/n placed her hand on Heather's waist. "Is this okay?" She asked which Heather nodded her head at, Y/n picked her up and helped her over as it was quite a long trap-flap then with a string that could attack someone with an military climbing rope. Y/n set her down with ease,

"Thanks." Heather hummed out, Y/n gave her a closed tight-lipped smile. 

"Yeah, no problem." She mumbled before walking off putting her hand out from behind, Heather looked at her hand and took it. She grinned slightly as their hands seemingly wrapped around with ease. Y/n stopped walking as she looked down to see a rat in a trap. She groaned a little, face furrowing at the dead animal. "Jeez..." She mumbled quietly.

"Disgusting? I agree." Natalie hummed out.

"Glad we can agree on something then." Y/n spoke out, letting out a small laugh. Even Heather joined in, a grin on her face afterwards.

"Uhm... how about we meet in 10 minutes for the break?" Natalie suggested, Y/n nodded her head.


"We'll go that way," Natalie said pointing between her and Dodge, "you two go the other?" she suggested.


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