Surprise Visit

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A/N: Moe x Heather! HWG! By the way sorry for the late post, I got really busy last night and didn't go home till 1am, and with the song, play it whenever, I'm just obsessed with it recently! Anyway, ENJOY!


Moe was simply tired of school and was glad that it was over but quickly remembered that she had track practise. She groaned in annoyance at this as she really didn't want to go to practise but then again, for her it felt like the time where she could breath and focus on nothing but herself. (A/N - I know Moe doesn't do track, and the scene where she's on the field is just gym but imagine it for this one, thanks)

She walked down the hall a few people staring and admiring her confidence, one of the girls being Heather Nill; the two smiled at one another but before Moe could say anything; Tabitha wrapped her arm around Moe with a grin, dragging her quicker.

"Come on! You gotta go get ready so me and Elodie can sit on the bleachers, you're our ride home." Tabitha complained with a grin, Moe laughed at this.

"I don't see how that's possible when we can all drive." Moe scoffed out to which Tabitha nodded her head at and hummed lightly,

"Mhmm, I suppose." She laughed out, "Plus, I have a project and you and Elodie told me that you were going to allow me to take pictures after our SA meeting." Tabitha reminded Moe to which she sighed at and nodded her head.

"Oh, shit, yeah." Moe sighed out,

"Glad to know you remember things." Tabitha sarcastically said then walked off leaving Moe to go into the changing rooms, she went in laughing and quickly got changed since no one else was in there; she headed out earlier than usual and did her usual warm-ups near Elodie and Tabitha. But a twist she didn't expect to see was Heather, Natalie and Bishop walking toward the benches. Heather staring Moe down which made her smile, she turned back to Elodie and Tabitha who were already smirking at her.

"Oh, shut it." Moe huffed out and rolled her eyes annoyed, Elodie chuckled.

"Are you going to go talk to her?" Elodie questioned.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because she's coming over right now, enjoy." Tabitha told her and pushed her back and once Moe turned around; Heather was right in front of her, her body almost pressed against Moe's. Moe let out a nervous chuckle,

"Hey, Heather." Moe forced out which made Heather laugh as she could hear the awkwardness in her voice,

"Hey, Moe. You doing okay?" She asked with a smile, Moe nodded her head.

"Yeah, all good. You?" Moe questioned.

"All good here, but I wanted to tell you something."

"Okay? What's up?" Moe questioned.

"There'll be a prize in it for you if you win against Vanessa." Heather smirked out which made Moe laugh slightly,

"Y-Yeah, sure. What's the prize?" She asked Heather with a look of curiosity as the track team started to walk out with the coach.

"I'll help you hook-up with anyone you want." Heather offered, her and Heather have been best friends for a good 6 years.

"I want you." Moe mumbled to herself, Heather leaned her head forward.

"Who?" Heather questioned as she didn't hear Moe's answer, she noticed that she could run off to her team after so, Moe being bold. Took a step closer and whispered as her lips were slightly close to her, a lot closer than 'just friends'.

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