Leaving, Reunited 1

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A/N: So, this is going to be a two part one-shot, Deena x Sam! ENJOY!


Deena was laid down on her bed as she was humming to herself while listening to a mixtape that Sam had made for her; she quite liked the playlist but when Sam had given her it, something seemed off about it. How she sounded... how distant she acted. Everything. 

It lingered on Deena's mind as she tried to think of so many excuses in attempt to assure herself that Sam was alright yet she still couldn't come up with something that made sense. That was until her phone started to go off, she shot up from her bed and went over answering the phone, she placed it against her ear.

"Hello?" Deena asked hoping that it was Sam, a soft breath was heard on the other-line.

"D-Deena?" Sam questioned sounding like she was crying, 

"Sam. What's wrong?" Deena asked worriedly, her eyes filling with tears,

"I need you to meet me at the park, I haven't got much time till I'd have to go back home." Sam sighed out, Deena paused still for a moment; she felt as if all of her happiness went away and her gut was telling her that something bad was going to happen.

"Okay." She let out softly, "Do you want me to pick you up--?"

"No, no, no. I'll meet you there." Sam told her, Deena nodded her head.

"Okay. Okay." Deena softly spoke, "Alright, I'll meet you there." Deena told her, she felt the line disconnect. She put the phone down and grabbed her green corduroy jacket, she put her boots on and grabbed her keys as Josh came up the stairs,

"Where're you going?" Josh asked.

"Something happened, I'll be back soon." Deena bluntly replied and then left, she closed and locked the door, her breathing hitched and her heartbeat picked up then felt like it dropped in her gut, she tried to calm her breathing down yet it didn't work, she shook her head as she heard slight ringing while she placed her hands on her knees, she kneeled down slightly. 

She shook her head and blinked excessively and then got into her dad's car, she drove to the park that they would always go too and once she arrived and got out, she locked her car and walked up to the park, she saw Sam sitting down on the swings and she walked over. There was no one around, it was just the two of them. 

"Sam..." Deena announced in almost but a soft whisper, Sam looked up at her and gave her a small smile as she wiped her eyes hoping that the Deena wouldn't see the tears, she stood up and when Deena moved closer in front of her, Sam pulled her in for a kiss. Deena kissed her back and pulled her closer by her waist; Sam parted away from the kiss but kept her face close resting her forehead against Deena's forehead. "Sam, what's going on?" Deena asked her confused in nothing but a soft whisper.

"Please, please don't be mad at me." Sam begged as tears fell down her face, Deena placed her hand on her cheek,

"What's going on?" Deena questioned,

"Promise me." Sam demanded, Deena nodded her head.

"I promise you." Deena told her.

There was silence and for the seconds that was filled with silence, Deena hoped that it was something that wasn't going to affect them, yet the feelings she was feeling in that moment... told her differently.

"I'm leaving..." Sam announced quietly in a soft whisper, "when I go home..." she continued on to confirm, Deena looked at her in disbelief and moved her forehead back,

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