"I hate you! So much!" 2

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Honestly thought it was a terrible idea, but apparently not!



It was Olivia's day off so she had slept in, she hadn't been able to catch a minute alone with Y/n and whenever they would try to sneak off, something would happen and the two would have to move their conversation to another time.

Both girls couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, how right it felt. How each other's bodies felt so perfect in their hands that they couldn't help but not blush and melt whenever they thought about it themselves. 

Olivia got a knock on the door and rushed toward it, she unlocked the door and saw her best friend; Emily.

"Oh, Emily, hey." Olivia greeted with a smile,

"Hey, Juliet. Mind letting me in?" Emily teased with a teased smirk, Olivia rolled her eyes before she slightly sighed.

"I don't know, Romeo, what's your offer?" Olivia teased which Emily laughed at.

"Um... drama?" 

"Oo! Spill!" Olivia agreed her entry which made Emily laugh, the two girls sat down on the couch and have a catch up. It was funny of course but Olivia continuously couldn't help but not think of Y/n.

"Dude, this is the 5th time. Olivia! You in there?" Emily asked loudly as she snapped her fingers in front of Olivia's eyes, Olivia's eyes followed her hand and then looked up at her.


"You've spaced out. Again. God, what is on your mind that seems to be so important?" Emily asked in a joking tone. Olivia sighed.

"R—Remember how I told you that I hate Y/n." Olivia expressed to which Emily nodded her head,

"Yeah, hate her too. Deserves anything bad. Do I need to kill her?"

"What? No! W-We had to kiss for this scene... but... I-I don't know..." Olivia expressed as Emily gasped.

"You like her?!" Emily exclaimed.

"Whoa! I-I don't— I don't—" She paused and Emily gave her a doubtful look, "Okay, I don't know! Maybe! I don't know, I just... it—it felt so right—"

"But we hate her! She's so stuck-up." Emily complained,

"Do we have proof of this?" Olivia asked which made Emily silent, "There we go." She sighed out,

"Listen, I'm just saying. She's known to have a mean-streak. We all just wanna look out for you." The girl wished. Olivia sighed and nodded her head,

"I-I know..." She muttered quietly.


(Late at night)

Olivia couldn't sleep and she was in her office, she was writing in her journal. That was until she heard a tap on the window that was right in front of her, when she looked up; she saw Y/n and it surprised her, her eyes lit up though and she moved stuff off of the table and unlocked the window,

"Y/n? What're you doing here?" Olivia exclaimed happily, Y/n chuckled.

"I had to see my favourite co-star of course." Y/n complimented which made Olivia blush slightly, "Mind letting me in, Juliet?"

"I don't know, Romeo. Might need some convincing." Olivia teased as she leaned on the very edge of the desk, right in front of Y/n, so that she couldn't even try to go past.

"Really?" Olivia hummed in response, "Mm, okay. And what do I need to do to allow entry?" Y/n asked her with a small smile, Olivia bit her lip in response as she stared at her lips for a good couple of seconds, letting Y/n know what she wanted. Y/n chuckled at this and leaned in, her hand being placed on Olivia's neck to pull her even further in. However, just as their lips were about to touch, Y/n froze and hovered her lips teasingly over Olivia's. Olivia leaned forward to finish off the kiss but Y/n pulled back, Olivia pulled her in; their bodies pressed against one another, she scrunched up her t-shirt slightly and pulled Y/n in by her t-shirt.

They're lips soon met the familiar feeling of one another that they both craved and missed, the kiss was powerful and they didn't waste any time on making the kiss just like how it was when they were filming, almost trying to replicate it but with a little more power, and tongue. Once Olivia pulled away from the kiss but Y/n leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek before she kissed her neck, Olivia leaned more toward her body and Y/n managed to make her way inside.

She was now on the left side of the desk that Olivia was seated on and she moved her body between her legs, the two smiling as they deepened the kiss. Y/n slowly pulled away from the kiss and Olivia bit her lip out of happiness.

"Well... I'm in now." Y/n hummed out which made Olivia giggle,

"Really? I had no clue!" She sarcastically said which made Y/n smile widely, a laugh following after the smile.

"Funny." Y/n chuckled out with a small smile, Olivia nodded her head.

"You bet." Olivia chuckled out, the two talked for a while but avoided the conversation of the kiss. That was until they were laying down on the bed, Y/n staying the night. "You comfy?" 

"I'm good, Welch. You?" Y/n asked and Olivia nodded her head.

"I'm... fine." She sighed out. 

"You sure—?"

"Can we talk about the kiss?" Olivia asked which made Y/n chuckled at, she nodded her head.

"Of course, what about it?"

"Well... e-ever since it's happened. I just... I can't seem to stop thinking about it." Olivia expressed which made Y/n smile.


"...Yeah... R-Really." She expressed which made Y/n smile, the two turning to one another. 

"So, you've finally warmed up to me?" Y/n questioned which made Olivia laugh.

"Don't get too cocky. I'm just saying..."

"That you can't stop thinking about kissing—?" Y/n went to tease her but felt the soft pair of lips she felt earlier against hers. Y/n kissed her back and pulled Olivia on top of her, once they pulled away, Y/n hummed, "I like you... Welch."

"Oh, really? Never would've guessed."

"Oh, shut up!" She exclaimed with a small laugh, "Just tell me... Liv, do you like me or what?" Y/n asked as she let out a small however shaky breath, Olivia nodded her head.

"I do. I do so much!" She exclaimed which made Y/n flip the two around as she showered Olivia with kisses. 



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