"I'm staying... with you."

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A/N: Heather x Reader

Summary: Y/n has to go off to college and Heather is with her to say goodbye!



Y/n was ready to go and she had Heather next to her, the two turned to one another. Heather was fighting back her tears and Y/n sniffled lightly,

"Please... I can't... I can't leave you... Not like this." Y/n said as she placed a hand on her cheek, she bit her lip nervously and smiled lightly as a tear fell down her face. "You know I hate it when you cry..." She breathed out as rested her forehead against Heather's.

"I don't want you to go..." Heather whispered softly, as she looked into Y/n's eyes then at her lips. "You can't leave me and Lily, what am I supposed to tell her?" She asked confused, Y/n chuckled softly.

"I believe in you, I know you will tell her a really cool story." Y/n hummed out, Heather chuckled softly.

"You think so? Cause I'm not so sure." She sighed out, "I can't write when you're not with me... I could barely write when you were ever away for a day or whenever you were busy." She complained,

"I know, I know things are gonna be hard. But I promise you... we'll see each other soon. Very soon." Y/n explained to her, "Won't you just kiss me now?" She asked as she tilted her head, putting a brave face on. Heather let out a small giggle before she placed her lips against Y/n's. Y/n placed one hand on her waist and pulled her body close to hers. Both girls melted into the kiss, they pulled away and quickly hugged.

"I'm gonna miss you... you have to call me... whenever your free just so I know you're not off with some girl." Heather expressed which made Y/n laugh cutely,

"Oh, I'd never get bored of my Heather Nill..." Y/n hummed out as she pulled away from the hug and stared her down with a wide smile, "I'm so proud of you." She added, eyes filled with admiration.

"And I'm so proud of you." Heather replied, both girls smiled at one another and placed their lips against one another once more. After what felt like forever, Y/n's bus came and they pulled away.

"I love you." Y/n told her and when Heather's eyes lit up, she went to speak but Y/n shook her head. "Don't say it back, tell me when I come back okay?" She told Heather to do which she nodded her head at, Y/n grabbed her stuff and got on the bus, she handed the driver her ticket and headed to the back of the bus and sat at the window, both girls looked at one another and the door shut, the driver began to drive away and both girls waved at one another. Heather progressively and quickly crying, falling to her knees.

Natalie rushed out of the car and rushed over to Heather, she wrapped her arms around Heather's waist and comforted her.

"I'm sorry... I know, I know it hurts." Natalie whispered as she held her close, "I'm so proud of you, come on, let's go otherwise we'll be here for hours. Lily's almost out of camp." Natalie expressed to Heather, Heather nodded her head as she rested her head on Natalie's chest. Natalie stroke her head and helped her up, as they walked back to the car. "She loves you, I assure you. You'll be back in her arms soon, I promise." She added.

However, things weren't going so smoothly with Y/n either.

(When the bus started going)

"I got this... I got this..." Y/n mumbled to herself, it got to the point where Y/n felt like she couldn't breath, she tapped her fingers in a rhythm and tried to calm down her breathing. "I need her, I need Heather." She said to herself, she grabbed her stuff and rushed to the front, "Sir, I have to get off this bus. Like now. Okay? I need off this bus."

"But we're almost as your stop—"

"I don't care. Just pull over." Y/n sighed out, the bus driver did what she said and she quickly got off and called an uber who picked her up a couple of minutes later.

(When Heather picks Lily up)

Heather sighed as she looked down when they arrived at Lily's Summer Camp. Natalie looked at her and bit her lip nervously,

"Do... Do you want me to go in—?"

"No, I got it." Heather cut off, she took her seatbelt off and opened the door but Natalie stopped her,

"Heather." She sternly said, Heather turned to her, "I'm here for you." She spoke softly, Heather nodded her head.

"I know... Thanks." She thanked as she got out and shut the door; she walked toward the building and paused for a moment before she opened the door and headed inside, she looked around and saw Lily with someone, "Lily, who—" She let out a small gasp when she saw Y/n drawing with Lily.

Y/n laughed and pouted,

"You don't like my drawing?" Y/n asked, as she placed her hand on her chest, "But it says..." She turned to Heather, "I love you." She hummed out, Heather rushed toward her and jumped into her arms, Y/n chuckled and held her close. "I can't go... I couldn't do it. I'm not gonna leave you." Y/n expressed to her which made Heather smile,

"So you made me cry for an hour for no reason?" Heather asked followed by a laugh which made Y/n laugh,

"I'm staying... with you." Y/n whispered in her ear which made Heather blush massively. Y/n looked down and saw Lily smiling at the two, she picked Lily up. "Now this, little one, has been begging for ice cream but I told her we had to wait on you." Y/n informed Heather, she removed her head from Y/n's neck and smiled at her and her little sister, Y/n turned to her. "You want to join us?" She asked, Heather let out a small hum,

"I'd love too." Heather hummed out, Y/n smiled widely and took the two girls out, Heather however had to get down along with Lily as Y/n needed to take her bags with her. They came outside and Natalie let out a scream and got out,

"What're you doing here?!" Natalie shouted as she jumped into Y/n's arms, Y/n laughed and held her close.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave her." Y/n explained to her,

"Oh, I'm so glad your here." Natalie sighed out, Y/n let out a small chuckle and once they pulled away, Y/n sat in the back and in the middle as Lily and Heather wanted to sit with her. However, they both fell asleep on her shoulder and Y/n placed a kiss on both of their foreheads and smiled.


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