"I love you! Sorry! I'll come back! Bye!"

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A/N: Olivia x Reader

This is going to be really different from all my other ones and this idea came from Paulared18 basically is Olivia as Gwen from The Amazing Spider-Man and since this is a gxg book! The reader is Spider-Women!

Summary: Y/n/ Spider-Women talks to Olivia as they have been on and off and when they finally get together, a friend of Y/n's interrupts.

Hopefully y'all will like this, if not, I'm sorry!




Y/n webbed herself down onto the ground and flipped backwards off the bridge as a car was about to hit her, she landed into a roll and quickly stood up afterwards, she searched for Olivia's car.

"Olivia?!" Y/n exclaimed as she looked around and tried to find her, she sighed as she had just webbed and ran around town for a good 15 minutes, her chest was rushed up and down; she felt herself begin to get angry at herself, 'How could I let her get away?! ' she thought to herself before she let out a small groan in annoyance. She hung her head down and began to walk away,

"You... my dear..." She paused, "Spider-Women, just never give up. Do you?" A voice spoke a couple of metres behind her, Y/n turned around and saw Olivia, she had a smile on her face. Y/n continued to breath slightly heavily before she webbed Olivia close to her and once she wrapped an arm around her, she webbed the two away and onto a building where Y/n wouldn't be caught. As soon as they landed, Y/n took her mask off and smiled widely.

"I thought you were leaving..." Y/n breathed out, Olivia let out a small chuckle,

"I was going too... But I needed to see you one last time." Olivia expressed to her as she placed her hands on Y/n's neck, Y/n looked at her with a smile,

"I thought we told each other that we had rules?" Y/n teased with a wide smile on her face as she bit her lip and looked intently at Olivia's lips before staring into her eyes with admiration and lust. 

"And how come you feel so much better when you break them?" Olivia asked Y/n which made her smile, the two quickly attached their lips to one another, Y/n tugged on her waist as they held one another close. Once they slowly parted however, they both smiled at one another and slowly opened their eyes, and rested their forehead against each other's.

"I don't want you to go... Olivia, please. You can't leave. And if you do, then I'm coming with you. I'll do anything—"

"Y/n." Olivia breathed out with a soft smile,

"No, Olivia, it's your time to listen to me. I just want to be with you."  Y/n expressed as she bit her lip and smiled, she held Olivia close. "I just want to be with you, I keep coming back to you and I want to continue to do that." She added which made Olivia blush,

"But— But what about New York? They need you." Olivia expressed,

"LA has tons of crime and if Nick needs me, he can come get me." Y/n expressed to her which made Olivia let out a small giggle, they both went to lean in until they heard an explosion. They turned around to where the explosion went off and both girls turned to one another,

"Ready?" Olivia asked,

"What? No! No, no, no, no, no." She chuckled out, "I'm not letting you join me—"

"Too late. Better catch me asshole." Olivia said,

"What? What do you mean— Olivia?" She ran toward the edge of the building, "OLIVIA!" Y/n exclaimed as she quickly put her mask back on and ran after her, she jumped off and Y/n flipped off the building and webbed her toward Y/n, she wrapped an arm around her waist and webbed from building to building. "Don't ever do that again!" Y/n exclaimed,

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