"Will you just do it for me, Samantha Fraser?"

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A/N: Reader x Sam




I GOT THE IDEA BY HOW THEY BECOME FRIENDS FROM "Freaks and Geeks", Never seen it but it looks good. I really wanna watch it and if you haven't seen it, apparently it's about a mathematician who distances herself from her friends as she sees the 'freaks/weirdo's' and she has intellectual curiosity on what it's like to be friends with the boys so, she starts to hang out with them. It seems really fun.

Backstory: Sam and Y/n are in different social classes, Sam is quite nerdy and popular but Y/n is more quiet alone but with her four friends, she's the class clown and always gets detention with them, a good drummer and they always notice each other but never act on it... till Sam sparks intellectual curiosity and wants to find out what it's like to be away from her usual friends and with the class clown's.



Sam was walking down the corridor's alone, she made sure that she was the last out as she had told her mom that she didn't want picked up and that she would walk home, she turned the corner and Y/n L/n came out of the detention room,


"Oh, shit. My bad!" Y/n apologised after the two bumped into one another, Sam shook her head in dismissal.

"It's ok, I wasn't watching where I was going." 

"You just turned a corner... I didn't know you could see through walls." Y/n joked which made Sam smile and giggle. "You gotta teach me that some time." 

"Give me a time and date and I'll teach you." Sam joked back which made Y/n laugh, she picked up a paper aeroplane and smiled, showing it off, she looked like a 5 year old showing off a shit drawing that Sam didn't even know what it was at first till Y/n said what it was.

"Do you like it?" She smiled out,

"Yeah... looks good." Sam chuckled out,

"Thanks! Me, Jonathan, Corey, Shawn and Demi are trying to see who can throw it the furthest." Y/n grinned out.

"Is that who you have detention with?" 

"Yeah, my best friends! You should like... so hang out with us sometime! It'd be fun! They'd love you." Y/n assured,


"Yeah! I mean at first, they might wanna use you for your brains since you're like top of the class or whatever. But trust me! If you stick with me, everything will smoothen out quickly." Y/n assured her, with a huge smile.

"Is the teacher in?" 

"No, he always tells us to write why we're there but we never do it. He always leaves after telling us what to do." Y/n explained,

"Can I join you guys? I've got nothing better to do." Sam explained which made Y/n's eyes light up,

"Of course! Come in, come in." Y/n opened the door for Sam and once she walked inside and shut the door behind her, "Welcome to our hangout spot also known as..." Corey and Shawn started drumming on the table then stopped in sync, 

"Detention!" They all exclaimed, Y/n giggled and high fived them all, she jumped on top of the teacher's desk,

"Whoa, Y/n... come on—" Sam started as she didn't want a teacher to walk past and give her into trouble but was cut off by Y/n clearing her throat,

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