Needed Time

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A/N: Deena x Sam! THANK YOU FOR 6K! HERE. WE. GO!


Deena was seated at her desk trying to do work as Sam was fast asleep on her bed as she has been stressed out over upcoming tests and school in general as well as her parents. Deena on the other hand, seemed fine when in reality she hid it from Sam that she was exhausted. She was jealous of Sam since she wanted to sleep yet she didn't want to seem weak in front of her.

It was almost as if it was a rule for Deena.

She wasn't allowed to show any weakness in front of Sam as one of the reason's Sam likes Deena is because of how strong she is. Deena doesn't want to ruin that reputation or that thought of Sam.

Sam sighed and slowly opened her eyes to see Deena working hard, she felt bad as she wanted to try be strong for Deena and be like her yet she couldn't. So, she grabbed a pillow and chucked it at Deena's head. Deena groaned and then turned to Sam, her hair slightly more messed up.

"You could've just called on me." Deena scoffed out which made Sam giggle, she sat herself up slowly to make sure that she doesn't make herself sick as she had passed out by getting up to quick.

"True. But can you come cuddle me?" Sam pleaded with Deena but she shook her head,

"I want too, but I can't. I need to finish this paper. It's due in two days and I'm no where near finished." Deena explained to her which Sam sighed heavily at,

"How much longer do you think you need?" Sam questioned. Deena shrugged,

"I don't know, maybe 2-3 hours." She guessed of the top of her head. Sam groaned into a pillow as she was craving the touch of her girlfriend. 

*4 hours later*

Sam woke up again from her nap as she really was under the weather, she groaned when she didn't feel Deena near her so, she got up and walked over to Deena wrapping her arms around her neck,

"Deena." Sam hummed out, Deena hummed in reply as she continued to work, "Are you almost done?" Sam questioned quietly, Deena nodded her head; took her hand and placed a kiss on her hand. 

"Almost, go lie down. I'll be there soon." Deena told her but Sam didn't accept that answer. She grabbed Deena's stuff and sat herself down on her lap, she grinned at this action and placed her hand on Sam's cheek. She stroked her cheekbones lightly and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Sam, I need to finish it. I'm almost done-"

"But I want you." Sam innocently cut off which made Deena look at her slightly surprised trying not to react, Sam gave her a small tight-lipped smile, "Can we please cuddle now? I've been waiting for years now." She dramatically told Deena but Deena ignored her question and moved her closer pulling her in by her waist, she continued to do her work and place small and delicate kisses on her shoulder and neck trying to encourage Sam to stay more. Once Deena was done, Sam immediately shot up and shut her stuff closed, pulled Deena up to her and dragged her to the bed. She pushed Deena down on the bed which Deena slightly laughed at,

"Someone really does love me." Deena grinned out, Sam blushed.

"Of course, I do. Now shh, and give me cuddles." Sam told her and laid herself down on top of Deena, her arms wrapped around her waist, her head tucked into Deena's neck. Deena had her arms wrapped around Sam's waist as her body was quite petite but Deena thought it was cute and adorably how much Sam wanted her.

She almost felt special in a way.


A/N: Short one, I know, I know! I'm sorryyyy. I just have to revise for a test and then I've got homework to hand in then I've got another two tests to revise for! I'll try my best to get the next chapter out as quick as possible and keep posting daily.

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