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A/N: Sorry for it being late, I kept getting distracted throughout writing. I don't even know what this is gonna be, this is just gonna come off the top of my head, so, if it doesn't make sense? Then... well... sorry.


Deena wasn't exactly in the best of moods when Simon and Kate came banging on her door, as she got up and walked over toward the front door, she groaned as Simon kept banging on the door in excitement. 

"Come on, hurry up!" Simon exclaimed and went to knock on the door again but Deena had opened it, he stumbled his way in and both Kate and Deena stared him down, he cleared his throat and slowly looked up at Deena, "I--" He paused and looked down at the floor then at him, "I didn't know you were actually going to open the door, I thought I still had another knock to go--"

"Okay, what's up?" Deena asked cutting him off as she turned to Kate but she was too busy laughing at Simon trying to explain himself,

"We've got a party to go too, go get changed nerd." Kate exclaimed happily with a huge grin on her face, Deena groaned and knew that if she even tried to protest, it'd go wrong. So, she nodded her head. Headed upstairs. Went into her room. Got changed putting on a white t-shirt; a flannel over it with her classic green jacket over, blue jeans and black boots. She headed downstairs and cleared her throat as she saw Simon snacking on food, stuffing his face with some crackers. Deena grabbed the crackers off of him and he went to protest but Deena stopped walking and pointed at him which made him sit back down slowly, Deena's finger following him sitting down. She nodded her head and then put the crackers away.

"So, why exactly are we going?" Deena questioned unbothered as she glanced at Kate as she knew that Kate was the sober one between her and Simon. 

"Well... we were bored! Plus, it's Saturday night and people are still freaking out about the football game last night, so, that's even more reason." Kate explained to Deena which made her sigh heavily, she moved her head up and looked up at the ceiling licking her bottom lip, she sighed when she moved her head back down and nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll go tell Josh." Deena mumbled out then lazily pushed herself down into the basement to see Josh busy playing video games while blasting music really loud as it could be heard from upstairs. When she came in, she did her usual routine of picking up a few things, folding a blanket and putting it at the side before Josh even picked up on her existance. But it was as if it was almost immediately that he noticed her, "W-Woah... okay, uh, Kate and Simon are taking me to a party... you gonna be okay?" Deena asked him, he nodded his head and turned back around. "K, cool. I'll call you some pizza and leave money on the kitchen table, so, turn the music down, Sir Silence." Deena rushed upstairs as Josh immediately shot up and grabbed a pillow to hit her but she snuck her way out of it as he got to tired halfway up the stairs, he groaned in annoyance and walked back down the steps and lowered the music.

Deena made a quick call for the pizza that she knew Josh would like then she turned to Kate and Simon while she locked the door, they walked over to Simon's car and that was when the words of Deena spoke.

"So... uhm... i-is--" She cleared her throat, 

"Sam will be there." Kate assured her with a playful smirk on her face as it looked like she was planning something, Deena sighed as they haven't been talking for a moment as something had happened, some sort of moment that neither of them could explain and awkwardly stopped hanging around each other for a few days. 

She groaned and got in the car anyway where Simon sat next to her and forced a blindfold on her, Kate started driving and as Deena tried to get answers out of the group, there simply wasn't anything that she could do. They wouldn't say shit

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