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A/N: Heather x Reader! HERE WE GO!


Y/n was in Math class as she was really missing her girlfriend, she wasn't in the same class and she was on the other side of the school and all Y/n needed in that moment was a hug or Heather's cuddles as she has been so stressed out with school work and track. 

All she wants to do is improve but sometimes she's simply too tired to even pay attention in class, which would make her feel like she's falling behind and hates admitting that she wasn't listening as her with teachers was never a good sign.

There was chatter going on throughout the walkie-talkie's that all teachers have and someone had given a code and sounded rushed, panicked. 

"Everybody down. Tuck in your chairs." The teacher instructed and quickly shut the door but as she did, a gunshot was heard and the teacher collasped to the floor. 

"Shit!" Y/n exclaimed as she rushed over hiding and turned the lights out, she looked down at the teacher trying to save her but after 4 minutes, she still couldn't find a pulse, someone in her class was calling 911. She looked out of the window to see that he was further down the hall, she looked back at the class. "Right, listen up, don't make a sound. Don't move. Make sure you're well hidden, I'm going to find someone-" She started but Bishop cut her off,

"What? No. He just shot a teacher, we're in trouble. I'm not letting you leave." Bishop told her but Y/n rolled her eyes, one thing she was thankful for the lights off.

"I don't care. I need to see if Heather and Natalie are okay." Y/n whispered back to him but he stood in front of the door. Katie unlocked it and managed to sneak past, the door slammed and she sprinted to the nearest corner hoping that he would think it'd be near her. There were flashing red lights which made it feel all what more like a movie. She couldn't believe that this was happening. 

The person with the gun marched back to that classroom trying to see inside but didn't see anyone. Y/n saw him about to reach for the handle but she grabbed something and chuck it behind him, he started to march in the other direction and sprinted off to the other side of the classroom thankful that she didn't wear her Nike Air Force 1's as they would've created such a noise. 

She dashed around the school, hearing a cries followed by a gunshot, almost as if they were getting closer and closer to her, she rushed through the courtyard not stopping her run. She headed inside and then rushed to the class that seemed to be just along the corridor but she could hear heavy breathing near her. She stopped and turned around to see him turning her corner to head down to the corridor she was in the middle of. She sprinted inside of Heather's class and quietly shut the door, she looked around and saw Heather in a ball crying, she turned the light off which made a few people gasp.

"Shh! He's right outside." Y/n whispered quietly and rushed over to Heather, "Heather, it's me." She whispered and Heather immediately clung onto Y/n, "Hi... where's Nat?" She questioned as she moved away from the hug and kept tapping her arms. "Hey, it's okay. I've got you now, it's going to be okay." Y/n attempted to assure, there was another cry and Y/n quickly covered Heather's ears instead of hers, hearing the gunshot loud and clear, the rushed footsteps and heavy breathing fading further and further away. "Heather. Where's Natalie?" She asked after she removed her hands from her ears.

Natalie crawled over and sprung into Y/n's arms, Y/n held her and the two let out breath's of relief.

"Thank god your here- Where's Bishop?" 

"He didn't think it was a good idea for me to move, he tried to stop me but at least I saved his ass." Y/n commented as she kept looking over toward the door to see if he was still near the classroom. 

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