More Jaydick??- 9/1/21

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I know this story is old but I had an announcement for anyone who wants more Jaydick from me :D

I posted this as a seperate book so that followers would see it but I wanted to post it here as well if anyone is interested in reading more Jaydick :) please vote or let me know that you want more

TL;DR: see underlined parts

Hello! :D I just want to say I'm so sorry for just *dying* >-< it's been a rough year.

So lately, I've seen my stories getting a lot of views and votes and I want to say that's so amazing and thank you so much T-T

Redwing was my first ever fanfic I wrote and funny enough it was inspired by Jaydick fanart that I randomly came across on the internet :) and I wanted to turn it into a✨ very gay fanfic ✨ the love I got from this was truly amazing y'all 🥺

I never really had something that I could just do my way and not be judged since none of you know me irl ☺️ I can just write (smutty😉) things without being embarrassed. Thank y'all so much for that 🤗

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, after the third book. The first book did well in my opinion, and the ending felt conclusive but I wanted to continue because just seeing very nice comments kinda motivated me to write.

The writing in the last two books felt like they were just random and dragging on right? Sorry >-< Towards the end of the last book I wasn't really motivated but I wanted to finish for the people still reading and not leave them :/

Then I thought, maybe I'll write something that doesn't have to be finished but I can always start new ideas, hence the Oneshots. I've had many of other fanfics that I've started and never got far enough to post them (maybe another time).

Okay now, I'm rambling lol. Okay my point for coming back: I do want to write, Jaydick is still one of my fav ships and I just want to share fun and cool stories about them to you guys but I'm kinda not motivated enough :/

In the beginning with Redwing, I was so bored and had nothing better to do, so I wrote it. Now, I'm "growing up" and have more responsibilities with school and work. I still want to write stories about them, just not sure if I'll have the time and energy too. Like I don't want to leave y'all hanging at one part when I don't have time to write the next 😣

I need more motivation to take time to write more stories for y'all, since I still have life problems to worry about >-<
Idk if y'all want me to write some more, but if you do, writing a short comment and voting helps :D

I like writing, but it's just not helping me in the long run so, I feel like it's wasting my time when I could be preparing for college or working to get paid :D

I'm so sorry if that comes off as a little selfish but yeah, I just don't see the benefit of writing fics >-<

If y'all have any recommendations for me finding ways to be motivated to write more Jaydick for y'all, please let me know ;)

But yeah, I don't know if im back just yet, but I wanted to let you guys know, that I'm so sorry for leaving and I want to continue to write for Jaydick and possibly more 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now