He didn't do it (1/3)

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"It wasn't him!" Dick cried.

Bruce sighed, "This was a gang war. There's small amounts red paint on the victim's glove. There's knife wounds and lastly he was killed by a pistol that Jason carries."

Dick still tried to defend him, "All the evidence is circumstantial, Bruce."

"Actually, Dick, its not looking too good for Jason." Dick turned around to see Tim. "I just spoke with eyewitnesses and they all said that someone wearing a red helmet and a leather jacket was hear at the time of the shooting. I'm sorry, Dick. I really am but we need to bring Jason in."

"No!" Dick said, "I know Jason. He wouldn't kill unless he has too."

Bruce put his hands on Dick's shoulders, "You're off this case."

"Excuse me? I need to prove Jason's innocence since none of you care!" Dick cried.

"Dick, you're too close to him."

He yelled back, "He's my brother and your son! You all think Jason is evil. But he's not. He's just misunderstood. He didn't do this. I know he didn't. And I'll prove it."

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now