He didn't do it (2/3)

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Dick sat on his bed, staring at his desk. More specifically, the picture frame with him and Jason. He knew what Jason did was bad, becoming the Red Hood, but he could never hate Jason, he loved him.

He noticed that there was a slip of paper on his desk. He didn't know where it came from but he opened it anyway,

Hey Dick,
I saw what you did at the warehouse for me. Standing up for a monster, one of the stupidest things you've ever done. But, it means a lot, thank you. At least someone has faith in me. Please stay away from this case. It's too dangerous.

Dick whispered, "You're not a monster, Jason. And I won't stay away from this case. I love you, Jay. That's why I need to prove your innocence."

"I told you to stay away!" A voice yelled from outside. Dick was startled and looked over, it was Jason. He slipped through the window.

"Were you there this whole time?" Dick turned red, realizing what he said.

Jason admitted, "Yeah I was. Dick, please stay away from this case."

"Don't you want me to prove your innocence?! The whole family thinks you killed the guy. But I know you didn't. I-" Before he could finish, Jason abruptly put his lips on Dick's.

"Stay away," Jason said after he parted with Dick' mouth. Jason slowly backed up and left through the window.


Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now