I never got to tell you (2/2)

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Takes place like right after the events of Under the Red Hood

Dick heard noise coming from his bedroom and took out his gun. He opened the door and saw a tall figure, with a red helmet pick up a picture of him and Jason. "What are you doing here, Jason?" Dick asked, he still did not put down the gun.

"I didn't have anywhere else to go," Jason replied, he didn't take his eyes off the picture.

"Oh, so you decide to come to your brother's place? I can rat you out to Bruce."

"Look," Jason put down the picture and took off his helmet, then his mask and set it down on the nightstand. He approached Dick and slammed his hand against the wall right next to Dick's face. "You won't."

"Y-you don't intimidate me, Jay," he lied. In truth he was scared of Jason. He knew what Jason was capable of. He did just blow up a building with him, Bruce and the Joker still inside.

Jason could tell that Dick was lying, "Oh, but I'm not trying to intimidate you, Dick." His face was really close to Dicks, and he could tell that made him uneasy which made him smiled. Jason put his arm around Dick's waist and he flinched.

"W-what are y-you doin-ng?" Dick tried to say but, he felt uncomfortable.

"What? You don't like me doing this?" Jason smiled as he began to take Dick's clothes off.

"J-jason, p-please stop," Dick pleaded.

"What?" Jason smirked, "I thought you liked me."

Dick froze, "Y-you heard that?"

" 'course I did, little Dickie," the Red Hood moved his hand down to Dick's famous ass. "The last words I heard before I died."

"W-well, feelings c-change," Dick stuttered as he felt Jason's hands on him.

"Not buying it," Jason smiled as he continued to move his hands. Jason whispered in Dick's ear, "I never got to tell you how I felt."

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now