You didn't fail me (1/1)

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Jason knew that he left helmet on his desk to clean it but it wasn't there. He went to go ask Dick where it was.

His door was slightly opened but Jason knocked on it anyway, "Dick, have you seen my-" By opening the door the light seeped into the dark room and shone on his red helmet. "Hey, what are you doing with my helmet?? And what are you doing in the dark?"

Jason then realized that Dick was sitting in the corner, holding Jason's helmet. He was crying. "Hey, hey, hey," Jason leaned over to Dick and sat next to him. "Why are you crying?"

Dick wipes his tears away. He looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. "I let someone die today. I was stopping a drug ring and one of them fell off the roof. I tried to catch him but I wasn't fast enough."

"Don't beat yourself up over it. There was nothing you could do," Jason said as he pulled Dick close to him.

"I felt so helpless. Even though, he was a bad person, he didn't deserve that." Dick said as he leaned on Jason's shoulder. He looked down at the Red Hood helmet. "Sorry, I took your helmet," he said as he handed it back to Jason. "It just reminded me on how I failed you."

Jason smiled, "If I hadn't died, I wouldn't have been a badass vigilante." Dick laughed. "You didn't fail me. You saved me from myself."

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