Not him (1/1)

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"Get the hell out of my apartment," Dick said as he pulled a gun at Jason.

Jason put his hands up, "Wait, please just hear me out."

"No," Dick said, without putting down the gun.

Jason replied, "I'm still the Jason you knew before."

"You're not him!" Dick shouted. "The Jason I knew died in that warehouse five years ago."

Jason tried to reason with him, "Dick, please." He said as he moved towards Dick, trying to get his best friend back. "Remember that time we took the Batmobile out for a joy ride? We got in trouble after but it was totally worth it." He smiled hoping Dick would return it.

"You may have his memories but my Jason is gone. Jason would never kill people. Jason would never try to kill Bruce."

"I did what I had to do," Jason responded, "Please, Dick, I love you. I can't lose you too." he said as he held Dick's hands.

Emotions took over Dick as he whispered, "I love you too." Dick leaned into his face and Jason knew what he was going to do next and did it first. Jason smiled, and kissed Dick.

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now