Secret (1/1)

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Tim knocked on Dick's door as he opened it. He heard some shuffling but thought nothing of it. "Dick, Bruce wants you to go on patrol with him..." He started. "What are you doing?"

"Uhhh, just staring at this uhhh picture!" Dick replied as he picked up a picture frame from his desk.

"Dick, are you okay? You're not going crazy right?"

"What me? Crazy? No way." Dick quickly replied.

"Okay then. Well anyway, Bruce wants you at Gotham Central in an hour."

"I ummm, can't tonight," Dick said.

Tim asked, "Why? Too busy staring at your picture?" He laughed.

"Ha ha ha," Dick replied sarcastically. "I have a date."

"Why am I not surprised?"There was a slight cough from behind Dick but Tim didn't hear it. "Well, if its that important to you I'll go," he said as he left for the door. "Oh," he said as he turned around, "Have you seen Jason? I found the knife he was looking for."

Dick replied, "Jason? Nope haven't seen him." It was really obvious he was lying.

"Sure," Tim replied as he left.

A deep voice came from behind him, "You're such a bad liar." Jason laughed as he licked Dick's neck.

"Was I that bad?" Dick smiled as he felt lover on him.

"Yeah," Jason replied, "You were."

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now