In the shower (1/3)

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Jason couldn't remember anything he did the previous night. He laid in bed trying to remember what happened but, nothing. He swung his hand to the nightstand to grab his phone but he hit beer bottles. He almost knocked them over but caught them with his quick reflexes. That explains it. That's why I can't fucking remember anything. Jason got up from his bed and realized that there were clothes all over the floor and it didn't belong to him. Shit, did I sleep with someone?
Jason couldn't think straight, he walked over to his bathroom to take a shower to clear his head a little. He heard his shower running as was confused. He shared his apartment with his roommate, Tim, but he was suppose to be out of town. Maybe he came back early. Tim never showers in the morning so Jason just assumed that Tim turned the water on for him.
Jason, still not fully awake, went into the bathroom and took all his clothes off. He yelled, "Thanks, Tim, for leaving the water on for-" he pulled the curtains open, and was shocked to see (a very sexy) Dick Grayson.

"What the fuck are you doing in my shower??!" Jason yelled at him without shutting the curtains.

Dick replied, without trying to cover anything,"What? I felt so dirty after last night, Jay. Plus, I don't have time to run back to my apartment. Yours is closer to the police department."

"What are you doing in my apartment??! And How are you so calm about this! I see you-" Jason said, his face fully flushed red. He turned his head, he was slightly tempted to keep looking at Dick.

"So?" Dick questioned, as he rustled his hair which made him more irresistible to Jason, "After what happened last night-"

"Wait. Wait, last night? What happened last night?"

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now