Who are you? (1/3)

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Dick kept replaying that horrible moment over and over in his head for five years. The day that Jason died. He couldn't save him.
He rushed to the burning building and kept thinking, he's alive. I'm not going to find a dead body. But deep down he knew he was just lying to himself. When he found Jason's body, he broke.

"No. No. Stay with me," Dick said to Jason but, he was just talking to a dead corpse.
NO! Dick swung up from his bed, practically in tears. I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Jason. He walked to the bathroom to wash his face but realized that someone was sitting beside his window on the fire escape. Dick grabbed his gun from his desk and then he opened the window and said, "Who the hell are you?" He pointed the gun at the shadow.

Turns out the person was asleep and woke up to Dick's shouting. "Fuck. I missed you so fucking much, Dick," he said. He was wearing a helmet that was red.

"Who the fuck are you? And how do you know who I am?" Dick repeated, getting impatient for an answer, "Are you a vigilante?"

He laughed, "No, someone much worse." He removed his helmet but he still wore a black domino mask to cover his eyes. He had a white streak in his hair.

"Gee, that helps a lot," Dick replied sarcastically. The figure slipped through the window and into Dick's apartment. "H-hey. I-i will shoot," Dick said as he continued to hold up his gun.

"I know you won't," he replied as he walked towards to Dick and he backed Dick up against the wall. The man pushed Dick's gun aside, "You keep a gun just to scare off your enemies, but I know you won't ever use it." The man pinned Dick's arms above him with one hand and Dick dropped the gun. Dick was nervous and unsure what to do next. Suddenly, the stranger kissed Dick's lips. Dick didn't know what was happening but, it felt good. Dick kissed the stranger back and smiled. The stranger did not expect that and staggered backwards.

"What? Didn't expect that?" Dick smiled.

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now