Online match (2/3)

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Jason stayed all night long chatting with his match. They talked about the most random things such as movies and thoughts on the Gotham Vigilantes (Jason was slightly offended that his match thought that the Red Hood was too violent).

"I really enjoyed talking to you." Jason typed to his match. Immediately after sending it he regretted it. I shouldn't have said that. Was that too forward? What if I messed things up?

"I liked talking to you too. This might be too soon but do you want to meet?"

Jason smiled and responded, "Yes."


Dick's POV

Dick nervously waited at the bar where his match told him to where to meet with him.

"Dick?" Someone asked behind him and he looked, thinking it was his date, but it was just Jason.

"Oh, hey Jason."

"Didn't know you come here," Jason said as he sat down next to him.

Please leave. Dick replied, "I'm meeting someone. Don't think he's going to show."

" Me too," Jason said, "Who are you meeting?"

"I don't know. Tim forced me to go on an online date using an app."

"You too huh?" Jason said as he ordered himself a beer. "Tim made me do it too."

"All he said was that he's wearing a leather jacket and a black shirt-" he stared at Jason and realized too that he was wearing a leather jacket and black shirt. Fuck. It can't be.

Jason's POV
Jason coughed and nearly spit out his drink. He realized what Dick was thinking and replied, "Whoah, whoah, whoah. It's just gotta be a coincidence, okay? You are not my date."

Dick raised his eyebrows. "Don't look at me like that!" Jason yelled in embarrassment.

"What was your username? Wingman?" Dick asked.

Fuck. It is him. I wasted my whole night talking to my adoptive brother. And to think I started to like him.

Jason laughed it off, "Nope. Sorry, not me. Guess your date stood you up." In a more serious tone he said, "I need should out now."

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now