Don't be like me (1/1)

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Dick sat on the roof of his building and stared down at the lighter and cigarette in his hands. He put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dick looked up to see Jason coming at him.

"What? I can't smoke?"

"No, you can't!" Jason snatched the cigarette from Dick's mouth and threw it on the ground.

"Hey!" Dick said, "Why can't I? You smoke."

Jason replied, "You're not like me."

Dick yelled back, "What if I want to be like you? What if I want to live on the edge and not think of the consequences?"

Jason sat down next to Dick. "Trust me, you do not want to be like me, pretty boy. You're the perfect Dick Grayson. Why would you ever want to have a fucked up life like mine?"

"I'm not perfect," Dick said as he stared at the city below him. "I have flaws that I don't show to anyone. I can't meet everyone's expectations of me. Maybe if I was more like you..."

Jason put his hand on Dick's shoulder, "No. Dick, we all have flaws. It shouldn't matter what other people think of you. And uhh," Jason turned red, "You meet my expectations."

Dick looked up at Jason and saw how red he was and laughed. "H-hey," Jason replied as he looked away from Dick. "I didn't mean anything by it."

Dick laughed, "Thank you, Jay. That means a lot coming from you."

Jason was still red, "Hey! Don't take it like it means anything," Jason got up, "Come on let's get some bad guys." Dick smiled as he took Jason's hand.

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now