Gone (2/2)

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"Dick," Jason said as he knocked on his door.

"Yeah," Dick said as he opened the door.

Jason turned red, "I guess I want to say, I'm sorry. I guess I just got annoyed that you're so perfect and I feel like I have so much to live up to as Robin."

"Hey, don't feel sorry. I'm not perfect. Don't try to be like me. Just be Robin how you want to be." He gave Jason a hug and he thought for sure Jason was going to push him away.

But he did't, Jason hugged him back and whispered, "Thanks."


There was an explosion. He knew Jason was in that building.

He got there and saw all the fire and debris. "Jason!" Dick yelled. "Jason!" he cried.

"No. No. No. " he saw an arm in the debris and he uncovered it. "Jason," he cried. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."


He's gone. And we were responsible.

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now