Just roomates (1/1)

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"Hey, Jay? Can you get some groceries on the way back from patrol?" Dick spoke in the comms.

"Really?" Jason was annoyed, he didn't like going food shopping.

Dick replied, "Yeah, you finished all the food! If you're going to live with me, you got to chip in, bro."

"Fine," was all Jason could respond. He knew what Dick said was true, he did finish most of the food at the apartment.

"Oh and just so you know, Babs is coming over, so buy pizza too."

Jason chuckled, "Okay." Jason knew that Babara and Dick weren't dating but he always thought that they'd make the cutest couple.


Jason got the groceries and pizza then headed to their apartment. He exited the elevator and continued to walk down the hall. He saw Babara stomping passed him and she shouted, "That ignorant bastard!" And she continued her way to the elevator. Before, Jason could even ask, she was already in the elevator heading back down.

Jason unlocked the door to the apartment and noticed that Dick was on the couch, shirtless, trying to stitch up a wound.

He quickly set the food down and went over to help Dick.

"What the hell man?" Jason asked as he took the needle from Dick and started to stitch his wound.

"I got shot," was all Dick said.

"I know that! What happened with Babs?" He asked as he cut the thread and got up to get a towel.

"She said that I can't keep putting myself in danger," Dick sat upright on the couch, "I said I'd get shot again if it means one less thug in Gotham."

Jason soaked the towel with cold water and walked back over to Dick. "She has a point, Dick," he put the towel over Dick's wound. "You could get seriously hurt. At least try to be more careful."

"Wow. You care about me?"

Jason took offense when Dick asked that, "Yes, I care!" Jason sat next to Jason on the couch, "You are literally the one person on this planet that I love." Jason didn't know why, but his heart started to beat faster.

Dick didn't know what to say. Coming from Jason, that meant something. "Thanks," Dick smiled, "I love you too."

Jaydick Oneshots!! (Oct. 2020)Where stories live. Discover now